A Summary of the Book “The Shadows of Power: The Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline”
by Edward Ulrich, updated February 17, 2020

Shadows of Power: The Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline, by James Perloff.
[Note: February 10, 2020— This article has been updated and expanded with images added from the book.]
The book The Shadows of Power: The Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline, written by James Perloff in 1988, chronicles American history during most of the 20th century, examining major national and international events occurring during each of the Presidential administrations by focusing on the activities of the Establishment elite running the secretive and powerful political organization the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).
This informative book details world history more accurately than typically taught mainstream accounts, explaining how the most influential political power of the United States has existed in the CFR since its inception in 1921, with members of the group continually shaping the creation of policies which forward secretive globalist agendas at the cost of creating much human suffering throughout the world.
The information in the book can be thought of as an important puzzle piece being dropped into place where it was assumed that a space did not exist, adding new meaning to a large number of well-known historical events by showing mainstream history and media accounts as being contrary to what had actually happened.
The CFR has been the “unofficial club” of the Establishment power elite, having membership of most of the high ranking members of politics, media, and finance. It is a “front group” that is a secretive organization but not a “secret society,” however many of its members do belong to secret societies.
The CFR has always forwarded “Globalist” agendas which include long-term strategies of dissolving national sovereignties and boundaries of Nations in order to eventually form a “one world government” which is controlled by the United Nations via privately owned international banks.
Another key aspect of the CFR which is very surprising to most people is its history of covertly implementing and supporting Marxist Communism in nations of the world as a part of its globalist strategy, including installing totalitarian Communism in Russia, China, and Eastern Europe, and more recently in Latin America and Africa, which is a topic that is a major focus of the book as well as this article.
This article summarizes major points of each of the chapters of the book.
Purchase the book at this link.
This page is part of the article A Summary of Long Term Globalist Establishment Agendas of the Global Elite.
Jump to Sections of this Article ..
A Primer On The CFR | Background To The Beginning
The Council’s Birth And Early Links To Totalitarianism
The CFR And FDR | A Global War With Global Ends
The Truman Era | Between Limited Wars
The Establishment’s War In Vietnam | The Unknown Nixon
Carter And Trilateralism | A Second Look At Ronald Reagan
The Media Blackout | The CFR Today
On The Threshold Of A New World Order? | Solutions And Hope
About the Author | Back Cover
The Council’s Birth And Early Links To Totalitarianism
The CFR And FDR | A Global War With Global Ends
The Truman Era | Between Limited Wars
The Establishment’s War In Vietnam | The Unknown Nixon
Carter And Trilateralism | A Second Look At Ronald Reagan
The Media Blackout | The CFR Today
On The Threshold Of A New World Order? | Solutions And Hope
About the Author | Back Cover
Chapter 1 - A Primer On The CFR
This chapter gives an overview of who the “Establishment elite” are and what the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is, explaining that the CFR is the elite’s powerful “unofficial club,” which has always had an agenda of furthering Globalist objectives, which surprisingly has included the support of the creation of Marxist Communist regimes such as in the Soviet Union, Communist China, Cuba, and Nicaragua.
Following are key points from the chapter:
— The corrupt influence of “invisible governments” run by international banking houses has been publicly acknowledged and criticized since even before the formation of the United States.
— The American “Establishment” is the power elite in finance, business, and government, usually coming from wealthy old-line families whose children are educated at ivy league universities with exclusive fraternities before entering their professional lives. Those who enter “public service” in high levels of government and politics nearly without exception have a membership in the New York City based group the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR), which is the Establishment’s chief link to the U.S. Government.
— The New York City based CFR is described as the Establishment’s “unofficial club,” being essentially the foreign-policy establishment of the U.S. The Council holds frequent meetings with high level members of national and international governments while having strict stipulations of the meetings being “off the record.” The Council also publishes an influential journal called Foreign Affairs five times a year.
— The CFR has been largely unknown to the public but has been extremely influential in creating foreign policy through supplying personnel for high ranking government jobs such as Presidential cabinet-level positions, and the CFR “unofficially” creates policy directions through the allocation of much influence and resources while at the same time claiming to be “unbiased” and “impartial.”
— The CFR is known for forwarding long-term agendas of “Globalism,” and surprisingly to many this has involved the covert implementation of Communism in countries including Russia, China, Cuba, and Nicaragua. Such agendas have been at the forefront of the organization since its inception, with its long-term goal being to eventually dissolve the sovereignties of nations in order to establish a “one world government” which will be run by many of the banking families who are in control of the CFR.

The Council’s headquarters on New York City’s East 68th street.

“Foreign Affairs” issues from 1926 and 1986: little change in cover and content (left); The “Foreign Affairs” logo includes the Latin word for “everywhere.” (right)

Fidel Castro and Daniel Ortega have been guests at the CFR’s Pratt House.
Chapter 2 - Background To The Beginning
This chapter describes how wealthy American Industrialists such as the Morgan, Carnegie, and Rockefeller families had installed Woodrow Wilson as President in 1912 to facilitate their taking control of the American Government through implementing the Federal Reserve Bank, imposing income taxes on the American People, and getting the United States into World War One.
Following are key points from the chapter:
— The phrase “International Bankers” refers to extremely wealthy individuals who loan money to governments of nations, which results in massive guaranteed returns for those individuals. Times of war are by far the most profitable for such bankers due to countries then needing to borrow the most money.
— The most historically famous international banking family is the European Rothschilds, who had become extremely wealthy and powerful during the nineteenth century. They often financed both sides of wars such as the Franco-Prussian War and the United States Civil War. [Editor’s Note: February 10, 2020— It is hypothesized that Abraham Lincoln had been assassinated due to disagreements over the Rothchild banking cartel being used for financing reconstruction after the Civil War.]
— The establishment of a “central bank” with a monopoly on a country’s money supply is essential for controlling the government of that country. Meyer Rothschild had said “Let me issue and control a nation’s money, and I care not who writes its laws.” The Banks of England, France, and Germany were such privately owned monopolies granted by the heads of state in return for loans.
— A banking panic was artificially triggered in the United States in 1907 by J.P. Morgan in order to create the impression that the country needed a central banking system, and eventually the wealthiest industrialists of the nation including the Morgan and Rockefeller families created plans for the American Federal Reserve Central Bank in secret, with it being implemented by being pushed through Congress in December 1913. The system granted its owners control over interest rates and the size of the nation’s money supply, with it being claimed that the system would stabilize the economy but instead it created a tool for corrupt control which was used to create events such as the Great Depression.
— Some saw the corruption of what was being set up through the Federal Reserve and spoke out about it, including the Congressmen Charles Lindburgh and Louis McFadden, with McFadden stating that the Federal Reserve was “A super-state controlled by international bankers and international industrialists acting together to enslave the world for their own pleasure.”
— The Federal Reserve is privately owned, it has never received a meaningful independent audit, and its policies are not subject to the President or Congress. It is staffed with the associates of the international bankers who have control over the nation’s money supply and interest rates.
— The United States Constitution specifies that only Congress may issue money or regulate its value, with that stipulation being made by the Founding Fathers in order to ensure that the country stayed free from the corrupting influence of international bankers which plagued European countries.
— An income tax was then implemented in 1913 with promises to the populace that it would “soak the rich” due to its graduated tax structure, but wealthy industrialists such as the Rockefellers and Canegies already had tax-dodging schemes put in place for themselves by the time the taxes became law.
— World War One then occurred in 1914 which made the national debt jump from $1 billion to $25 billion. It is often claimed to be a “coincidence” that the implementation of the income tax, Federal Reserve, and World War One all occurred at the same time, but the evidence shows that they were intentionally implemented together.
— Presdient William Taft had been against the installation of a central bank and said that he would veto attempts to pass one, so the bankers found Woodrow Wilson who was the President of Princeton University and pushed him into a position of being the Democratic presidential candidate. The bankers made Wilson agree to support the foundation of the Federal Reserve, support the implementation of an income tax, follow their advice if war broke out in Europe, and follow their suggestions of who should be in his cabinet. Taft was heavily favored to win, so the bankers also ran Teddy Roosevelt as a candidate in order to split Taft’s vote, which resulted in their planned outcome of the much less popular Wilson winning the presidency with only 42 percent of the vote.
— In order to create an excuse for the United States to enter World War One, the British ocean liner The Lusitania which was carrying 128 Americans was deliberately sent to be sunk by German U-Boats in 1917.
— The Treaty of Versailles that was signed at the end of World War One carried a proposal for a “League of Nations,” which was intended as a step toward the ultimate goal of a world government run by the international bankers. The League was successfully established, but the United States Senate did not ratify its involvement due to concerns of loosing national sovereignty.
— [Note that mainstream historians often rank Wilson’s presidential administration very favorably, as the political establishment which took hold as a result of his being used as a “front man” includes the foundation of the CFR, Federal Reserve, and the inplementation of income taxes, and it is shown that the CFR has a tremendous direct and indirect influence over information which is disseminated to the public through the media and also through mainstream historical accounts.]

John D. Rockefeller in 1911 (left); The elder J.P. Morgan in 1904 (right).

President Wilson, Mrs. Wilson, and “Colonel” House.
Chapter 3 - The Council’s Birth And Early Links To Totalitarianism
This chapter describes how the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) was formed in 1919 by J.P. Morgan and other Industrialists after World War One, with the long term goal being from the onset the eventual establishment of a world government, often through employing a strategy of covertly installing Marxist Communism in countries as a means of exploiting and controlling the people in those countries.
Following are key points from the chapter:
— After efforts for having the United States join the “League of Nations” were not ratified by the Senate in 1919 due to concerns over losing national sovereignty, a series of meetings were held at the Majestic Hotel in France which resolved to establish the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the British Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA), which initially were meant to be affiliates but became independent bodies with close informal ties.
— When established, the CFR strove to maintain as low of a profile as possible, and from the onset it had an agenda of promoting the idea of establishing a world government.
— The CFR was initially made up of almost exclusively bankers and lawyers associated with J.P. Morgan, and eventually college professors were added to the roster but only those who were from campuses beholden to Morgan for his academic endowments.
— The CFR was entirely supportive of the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. Woodrow Wilson was instrumental in securing a passport for Leon Trotsky to return to Russia, an order was put out for news reports of atrocities in Russia to be suppressed, and Wilson declared that there should be no interference with the revolution.
— In the summer of 1917, a “Red Cross” mission was sent to Petrograd, the nerve center of the Russian Revolution, however the mission was actually a front for sending fifteen Wall Street financiers led by Federal Reserve Director William Boyce Thompson to supply financing for the Bolsheviks from J.P. Morgan and other industrialists. Three of the individuals on the mission became founding members of the CFR, and three later joined the CFR. Members of the CFR were sympathetic to the Bolsheviks of Russia and took part in assisting their cause financially and through their public actions. The brutality of the Bolsheviks was uniformly shrugged off by the CFR and President Wilson despite common public attitudes against the regime.
— It may initially seem that the most powerful of the capitalists would be sworn enemies of Communism, but the deeper reality is that the wealthiest of the Industrialists such as the Rockefellers, Morgans, and Carnegies had amassed their wealth through building monopolies that were often facilitated through government intervention in the form of regulations which could be bought with corrupt influence, and they were attracted to the idea of Communism as it represents the most extreme form of government reinforced monopoly— as long as they are the benefactors of those monopolies. Truly free enterprise means competition, and Rockefeller once said, “Competition is a sin.” Many try to claim that despite the fact that Communism is a monopoly, the difference is that the monopoly is operated by the government; however the industrialists control such governments through their implementation of central banks in the same manner as all other governments are controlled behind the scenes.
— The closing information of the section says, “There is nothing on the Earth more powerful than government, a fact long ago recognized by international bankers. Regulation, socialism, and Communism are simply different gradations of monopoly. Who cares if the government is running things, if you run the government? ... What kind of government erects walls and barbed wire to keep people in? Such a country is not a ‘worker’s paradise’ but a prison. In the final analysis, there is little difference between the goals of Marxism and capitalist monopolism. And both, along with the Council on Foreign Relations, share a common final objective: one-world government.”
— Germany had fallen into chaotic economic inflation due to harsh financial reparations forced onto in by the Versailles Treaty after Word War One, and the international bankers saw this as a potentially profitable occurrence. J.P. Morgan had influence in drafting the Dawes Plan in 1924 and the Young Plan in 1930, with both being named after CFR member bankers that headed the committees that created them. The Dawes plan called for massive loans to Germany and it was implemented while it “swept statesmen, politicans, and journalists to one side and issued their orders with the imperiousness of absolute monarchs..” as stated by David Lloyd George, the British Prime Minister from 1916 to 1922.
— Three German cartels were the primary recipients of the credit from the Dawes Plan, and the trio then became the backbone of the Nazi war machine, including the company I.G. Farbin which received $30 Million from Rockefeller’s National City Bank. I.G. Farbin was the main industrial producer for the Nazis during World War II, which produced all of Germany’s rubber, lubricating oil, most of its explosives, and even the Zyklon B gas which was used to exterminate people in concentration camps. The Rockefellers maintained business connections with I.G. Farbin during the war and continued to supply petroleum products such as aviation fuel to Germany.

Kuhn, Loeb’s Jacob Schiff helped bankroll the Russian Revolution (left); William Boyce Thompson (in a 1920 photo), a founding CFR member, was the leader of the odd Red Cross mission to Petrograd. (right)

The rise of Adolph Hitler and the Nazis depended largely on I.G. Farben — and the Dawes plan.

Averell Harriman (between Churchill and Stalin), one of many Council members who, although wealthy capitalists, enjoyed high harmony with the Bolsheviks.

The platitude that capitalists and Communists are archenemies has long been discredited, however quietly, by figures such as the Rockefellers. Above, Nelson Rockefeller greets Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev in 1959.
Chapter 4 - The CFR And FDR
This chapter describes how the CFR bankers intentionally created the stock market crash of 1929 through the use of the Federal Reserve, as well as their installing of Franklin D. Roosevelt as President in order for him to implement the “New Deal” programs during the ensuing Great Depression which allowed the industrialists to consolidate power and control over the American People.
Following are key points from the chapter:
— In 1920 Warren Harding was elected President as an opponent of Bolshevism and the U.S. joining the League of Nations, and as such he was detested by the CFR and the international bankers— being a factor that greatly contributed to his having a negative reputation among many historians. The U.S. was prosperous and peaceful under his and then Calvin Coolidge’s leadership, and the bankers anxiously sought to install Franklin D. Roosevelt, who would be entirely cooperative with them.
— While campaigning, FDR was portrayed as a “man of the little people” who was against Wall Street, but the reality is that he came from a New York banking family and had an uncle who was on the original Federal Reserve Board, and during the 1920s he worked on Wall Street and was on the board of directors of eleven different corporations. In July 1928 FDR wrote an article in the CFR Journal Foreign Affairs which claimed that Woodrow Wilson “brought home to the hearts of mankind” the hope of establishing a world government. The CFR also moved into a headquarters in New York City next to the residence of FDR who had just become governor of the state.
— Just as the Panic of 1907 and the sinking of the Lusitania were staged events meant to take the country into new directions, such was the stock market crash of 1929, which was intentionally caused by the intervention of the Federal Reserve at the direction of the Industrialists who controlled it, as was predicted by those who opposed its foundation such as Charles Lindbergh who stated in 1913: “From now on, depressions will be scientifically created.” The key bankers got out of the market shortly before the crash, and then entered immediately afterward, buying up the United States economy for pennies on the dollar. This guaranteed FDR winning the Presidency and a “death sentence” for the Republicans. President Hoover while being a lame duck President had a plan to bail out the banks but it it required Hoover encouraging Congressional support, which FDR did not offer and the banks continued collapsing right up to the inauguration, and Roosevelt then offered Hoover’s plan to the people as his own once he took office.
— During the first year of FDR’s Presidency, he granted recognition of the Soviet Union, which was an objective of the CFR. In 1934 he took America off the Gold Standard which led to decades of inflation and credit revenue enriching the banking elite. Roosevelt’s “New Deal” was financed by loans from the bankers who intentionally created the depression in the first place, the interest of which was paid by the taxpayers for years to come. The New Deal was “a thick dose of socialism.”
— The Establishment also tried to take control of the Republican party after the crash through their backing the campaign of a former Democrat named Wendell Willkie as the Republican Presidential Nominee against FDR. After a poll it was shown that Willkie had only three percent of Republicans favoring him, but he was then presented as “the” candidate by the mass media. After loosing, Willkie became an international emissary of FDR.

Wendell Willkie (with arms outstretched) the “instant” Republican.
Chapter 5 - A Global War With Global Ends
This chapter explains issues concerning the CFR’s involvement in formulating policy associated with World War II, including how the U.S. entered the war due to facilitating Japan’s attacking Pearl Harbor, how the U.S. colluded with Germany and Stalin’s Russia before and during the war, and how the roots of a global government were founded after the war through the implementation of the United Nations, World Bank, and International Monetary Fund (IMF).
Following are key points from the chapter:
— Hitler’s troops invaded Poland in 1939, which prompted Britain and France to declare war on Germany, being the start of World War II. The CFR immediately set about aggressively conducting “study groups” with the U.S. Government to formulate wartime policy and postwar planning, with funding from the Rockefeller Foundation. The CFR was interested in exploiting the war as a justification for forming a world government, and they knew that the U.S. first had to get involved with the war in order to make this come about.
— FDR won reelection on strong pledges to stay out of the war, so a strategy was formulated which was similar to the sinking of the Lusitania in order to create an excuse for the U.S. to get involved, especially because polls showed over eighty percent of Americans wanted to stay out of the war. Despite the U.S. illegally supplying arms to England and attempting to provoke Germany to attack its ships, the Germans would not attack the U.S. knowing that it would turn the favor of the war against them. Provocations were then attempted of the government of Japan as planned by the CFR, including the imposition of a trade embargo, Japan’s assets in America being frozen, and demands being made that Japan withdraw its troops from China and Indochina which would break their treaty with Germany and Italy, which was the last straw for Japan.
— American Military intelligence knew the radio code Tokyo used to communicate with its embassies, which allowed the U.S. to know that the Japanese were planning to attack the ships docked in Pearl Harbor on or about December 7, and on December 6 it was known that Japanese carriers were stationed 400 miles north of Honolulu. Despite the U.S. Government specifically knowing the Japanese plans for attacking Pearl Harbor, no alert was passed to commanders in Hawaii and most air defenses were stripped around the island. The attack left nearly three thousand Americans dead and eighteen naval vessels sunk or heavily damaged. An investigation of the matter falsely pinned the blame on the “dereliction of duty” of two commanders Husband Kimmel and Walter Short, who were eventually exonerated but with the knowledge of it being suppressed due to Roosevelt claiming the revelation would endanger national security in wartime.
— When World War One ended, millions had died for essentially nothing except for Communism to spread throughout Russia. World War Two resulted in removing the fascist regime of Adolph Hitler, however the countries that Hitler had conquered in Eastern Europe were then given to the oppressive Soviet regime.
— During WWII, the U.S. and USSR were allies due to surface appearances of being threatened by Hitler, however Hitler had risen to power due to the Dawes plan which was created by the international bankers and the CFR. Stalin had many similarities to Hitler; he slaughtered millions of his own people including six million during the Ukrainian Genocide of 1932-33, and Stalin was also an international aggressor due to Poland being invaded by both Germany and Russia in 1939; but nonetheless, FDR called Stalin “Uncle Joe” and Stalin was built up as an “anti-facist hero” by the American press. Russia received over $11 billion in lend-lease aid from the U.S. during the war, which included 14,000 aircraft, half a million tanks, trucks and other vehicles, and over 400 combat ships. This facilitated Russia defeating the German Military, which gave rise to the country that the U.S. claimed as its greatest threat during the cold war.
— The U.S. Government gave tremendous concessions of the control of Eastern European countries to the Soviets during the post-war “Big Three” conferences which involved Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt. Roosevelt brought his advisor Alger Hiss to the Yalta Conference, who was a CFR member (and also later convicted of being a Soviet spy). At the Yalta Conference, Russia was given three votes in the UN that was being formed despite other countries getting only one vote, and it was decided that two million Russians that had been “displaced” by the war by fleeing Stalin would be rounded up by American and British Armies and then forcibly sent back to Russia, where they faced brutal punishments.
— The term “United Nations” was used within the CFR as early as 1942, and the original proposal for the United Nations was drafted almost exclusively by members of the CFR. The Senate had rejected the previous “League of Nations” because the legislators did not have time to study the issue, but in the case of the UN, the Senate had ratified the document without even pausing to debate the matter, which ushered in the foundation of a world government. The UN building was then built using a gift of land on New York City’s east side which was donated by John D. Rockefeller Jr., and the CFR then moved to its most recent location on 68th street, with the Soviet UN mission being across the street.
— Since the key to controlling a nation is to run its central bank, then a global bank would mean having control over the planet. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank were formed in 1944 as UN agencies which originated as CFR creations being planned even before World War II. The IMF was set up to control international exchange rates and to “stabilize currencies,” and the World Bank was set up to help with postwar reconstruction by being an international lending agency of U.S. Taxpayer money. The World Bank is closely linked to the Rockefeller’s Chase Manhattan Bank, and it is often used to deceptively enrich the bankers controlling it as well as their associates in developing countries who actually exploit those countries. The magazine Barrons said, “There’s a saying that the Bank takes money from poor people in rich nations and gives it to rich people in poor nations. .. To make matters worse, many of the social reforms that the Bank is funding involve fostering the spread of socialism and Communism.”

In his 1982 best seller “Infamy,” historian John Toland (left) enumerated the numerous warnings Washington received about the Pearl Harbor attack through such individuals as Senator Guy Gillette (right). Earlier books that dealt with the controversy include: “Pearl Harbor” by George Morgenstern; “Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace,” edited by Harry Elmer Barnes; “The Final Secret of Pearl Harbor” by Admiral Robert Theobald; and “Admiral Kimmel’s Story” by Husband Kimmel.

Admiral Kimmel (left) and General Short (right) were made scapegoats after the Pearl Harbor attack which sank or heavily damaged eighteen naval vessels, destroyed 188 planes, and left over two thousand dead.

Ships burning in the aftermath of the Pearl Harbor attack.

1943: Major George Racey Jordan (right) is decorated by Colonel A. N. Kotikov, head of the USSR lend-lease mission. Jordan and other witnesses later testified that Presidential advisor Harry Hopkins had shipped the Soviets uranium as well as the secret plans for the atomic bomb.
Chapter 6 - The Truman Era
This chapter describes events occurring in the years immediately after World War Two, including how it was learned that a “Communist threat” could be exploited by the West for ulterior motives, why organizations such as NATO were being formed by the U.N., how Mao Tse-tung’s oppressive Communist regime in China was empowered by the U.S. Government, how the Korean war rose out of World War Two diplomacy, and how the former CFR member James Forestall exposed the conspiracy of the ruling Establishment to spread Communism to other nations of the world.
Following are key points from the chapter:
— The Marshall Plan was promoted as economic aid to post-war Europe, but in fact it was a scam meant to empower certain U.S. companies at the expense of taxpayers, and the plan was approved due to being sold as a way to “prevent Soviet aggression,” despite the CFR actually being as pro-Communism as always.
— The North American Treaty Organization (NATO) was also sold as a way to contain potential Soviet aggression, however the CFR had created it only as a step toward forming a one world government.
— In 1949, Mao Tse-tung’s Communist regime took control of China, which was completely facilitated by the United States. The U.S. and Russia had colluded with Mao at the end of World War II, and Mao was supplied with Japan’s surrendered munitions as well as American Lend-Lease supplies in order to overthrow Chiang Kai-shek, who was a faithful ally of the U.S. that was trying to establish a Constitutional Republic in China. The Marshall plan demanded Chaing accept Mao Tse-tung Communists into his government, and the CFR created propaganda in the U.S. through the Institute of Pacific Relations (IPR) which painted Chaing as a “corrupt reactionary” and Mao Tse-tung as an “agrarian reformer.” Chiang and the Nationalists then fled to Taiwan which then became a free and extremely productive country under his leadership, while Mao Tse-tung’s Communist China then killed tens of millions of its own citizens over a period of two decades.
— The Korean war had its roots in World War II diplomacy, being the first time the U.S. fought as part of the “UN Police Force,” and many complications arose due to it being the first “UN” War. Korea was the first example of a “limited war,” where the strategy was not to “win” but only to “contain,” and in fact the CFR had planned not to “win” in order to prove a point about the new realities of the UN being supposedly effective in controlling aggression. MacArthur publicly criticized being restrained from taking necessary steps to protect his troops, and was thus fired by Truman, which then destroyed Truman’s popularity in the eyes of the American public.
— Truman appointed the former CFR member James Forestall to be Defense Secretary, but Forestal then shocked the ruling Establishment with anti-Communist activities, including stopping a Communist takeover of Italy in 1948. He publicly stated: “Consistency has never been the mark of stupidity. If the diplomats who who have mishandled our relations with Russia were merely stupid, they would occasionally make a mistake in our favor.” He was fired by Truman in 1949. Forestall then announced plans to purchase the New York Sun to turn it into a newspaper which exposes Communist activities, but he was subsequently drugged and taken to Bethesda Naval Hospital for “fatigue” and held for seven weeks while being sedated, and after his discharge was won through the efforts of his Priest, he died in a “suicide” at 2 a.m. by falling from his sixteenth story window with his bathrobe cord around his neck. “The Tragedy, subsequent cover-up, and contradictions in the ‘suicide’ verdict were canvassed by Cornell Simpson in his 1966 book The Death of James Forrestal.” [Editor’s Note— Another book “The Assassination of James Forrestal,” by David Martin, is currently more available, however I have not yet read it.]

George Marshall and Robert Lovett testify before Congress about the need for the Marshall Plan. Only by addressing the Soviet threat — arousing the anti-Communist instincts of a Christian America — could the billions sought be obtained. This posturing helped give the Establishment its illusive veneer of conservatism.

The Chinese Communists executed millions.

The determined anti-Communist Douglas MacArthur and Chiang Kai-shek brought the wrath of the American Establishment on both.

U.S. fighters hunt for MIGs over North Korea. American pilots in Korea operated under restraints unheard of in war.

James Forestall, who died in a “suicide” while exposing the Establishment’s covert agenda of spreading Communism.
Chapter 7 - Between Limited Wars
This chapter describes events occurring during the Administrations of Dwight D. Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy, explaining how Eisenhower was installed by the Establishment and advanced Communism in the world, the truth about Senator Joe McCarthy, and the truth about Kennedy’s activities in Cuba during the Bay of Pigs and Cuban Missile Crisis.
Following are key points from the chapter:
— It is explained how the Establishment’s aversion to the popular Robert Taft running for President with MacArthur as Vice President drove the Establishment to run Dwight D. Eisenhower who they entirely controlled, due to Taft and MacArthur’s strong genuine anti-Communist stances. Eisenhower was made to appear as being anti-Communist by parroting the rhetoric of Taft and MacArthur, despite his previous activities at the end of World War II such as taking part in the Yalta Agreement, allowing the Soviets to conquer much of Eastern Europe, and authorizing Operation Keelhaul which which sent millions of Soviets back to Russia against their will where many faced harsh retributions and even death.
— The influence of Joe McCarthy’s anti-Communist activities started to decline in 1954, and he was aggressively attacked by the Establishment for the rest of his life for his exposing of Communists in the government, despite his never even attacking the CFR specifically but rather only its associated IRP which had a major role in installing Communism in China at the end of World War II. It is now established in history that McCarthy did not make “wild accusations” as he was incorrectly painted as doing by many historians.
— Eisenhower did much to forward Communism in the world during his administration. In 1955 Eisenhower was the first President to attend a summit with the Soviets, which accomplished nothing but “photos of Eisenhower clinking cocktail glasses with Soviet leaders” which were then used as a tool for demoralizing the captive citizens of Eastern Europe who hoped that they would be liberated by the West. In 1956, the Poles and Hungarians revolted and succeeded in driving out the Soviets, but the U.S. refused to intervene, and thus Soviet rule was bloodily restored and rebellion then died in Europe for many years because they knew the West would not help them. Eisenhower allowed Fidel Castro to transform Cuba into the Soviet’s first outpost in the Western Hemisphere. Castro was a guest speaker at the CFR, and three years later he had nuclear missiles pointing at the USA.
— John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960, and he was regarded as somewhat an outsider to the Establishment, but his administration did involve many CFR members.
— The “Bay of Pigs” invasion in 1961 was an attempt by a group of expatriate Cubans to return to Cuba to liberate it, but Washington intentionally ended the mission in defeat due to the urging of CFR members. [Note: February 17, 2020— See a summary of chapter 12 of Anastasio Somoza’s fascinating autobiography “Nicaragua Betrayed,” where he explains how as chief of the Nicaraguan army he helped orchestrate the Bay of Pigs Invasion and how the U.S. deliberately sabotaged the operation in order to covertly ensure that Castro stayed in power.]
— The “Cuban Missile Crisis” in October of 1962 was called JFK’s “finest hour,” but the reality is shown to be otherwise. Kennedy made many secret concessions to have Russia remove their missiles, including the U.S. dismantling its missiles based in Turkey, England, and Italy with the public being told it was a “coincidence” due to the weapons being obsolete, despite the fact that the missiles had just become operational. Kennedy also pledged never to attack Cuba again, and anti-Castro militants were rounded up in the U.S. with their guns and boats confiscated. Also Kennedy originally demanded on-site UN inspections of the missile withdrawal, but later backed down and settled only for Moscow’s promise.
— The chapter closes by stating that Kennedy was never really a true “insider,” and it is speculated that he was assasinated for trying to break ranks with the Establishment. The chairman of the CFR John McCloy and the former President of the CFR Allen Dulles both served on the Warren Commission investigating Kennedy’s death.

Former Ambassador to Cuba Earl E.T. Smith (left) explained the help that the U.S. gave to Castro (right) during his climb to power.

Bay of Pigs invaders were denied the critical air support they had been promised. Above, captured invaders are marched off to prison in Havana.
Chapter 8 - The Establishment’s War In Vietnam
This chapter talks about issues with the Vietnam war, showing that despite being historically remembered as the result of “blunders,” the war actually unfolded as planned by the Establishment for advancing their long-term interests. It is shown that the Gulf of Tonkin Incident was staged in order for the United States to become involved in the war, it is shown how extreme restrictions were placed on the U.S. Military which was meant to prolong the war as long as possible and to ensure that the U.S. did not win, and it is explained how the Northern Vietnamese were being indirectly supplied by the United States.
Following are key points from the chapter:
— After the Geneva conference, Vietnam was divided into North and South, and President Johnson obtained the power to escalate the war from Congress through the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, with it now being a historical fact that the event was staged for bringing the United States into the conflict.
— Those in the United States who hated Communism were given the Vietnam war against it, but it was intentionally an endless, no-win war meant to make people adverse to the idea of fighting Communism. A CFR report published in 1957 stated that it would be strategically feasible to “loose limited actions” against the Communists, and extreme restrictions were placed on the U.S. Military known as “The Rules of Engagement” which were not declassified until 1985.
— The “Rules of Engagement” included the Air Force being refused permission to bomb the most strategic targets, U.S. troops being given orders not to fire at the Vietcong until fired upon, vehicles more than two hundred yards off of the Ho Chi Mihn Trail were not allowed to be bombed, North Vietnamese MIG planes could not be bombed on the runway, and surface-to-air-missile sites could not be bombed while under construction. Also, missiles, oil, and ammunition were permitted to enter Haiphong harbor unmolested and without protest.
— The Unites States supplied indirect support to the North Vietnamese by boosting trade with the Soviet Bloc which furnished eighty percent of Hanoi’s war supplies, which was one of the “pet projects” of the CFR. Zbigniew Brzezinski, writing in Foreign Affairs had called for economic aid to Eastern Europe as early as 1961. David Rockefeller took a trip to Moscow in 1964 to promote trade, and while the war was at full-tilt in 1966, Johnson wanted to extend most-favored-nation tariffs to Eastern European countries and to remove restrictions on the export of more than four hundred commodities to the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, including petroleum, aluminum, scrap metal, synthetic rubber, tires, air navigation equipment, ground and marine radar, diethylene glycol (used to make explosives), computers, rocket engines, diesel engines— anything short of actual “weapons.” The New York Times then reported two weeks later that the Soviet Union agreed to grant North Vietnam assistance amounting to about one billion dollars. Thus, trade that would have been labeled “treason” during World War II was called “building bridges” during the Vietnam War, which along with the restrictions on the Unites States military was one of the main reasons that the small country could not be defeated.
— William Bundy was Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs in 1964, and he became the director of the CFR during the same year. He is the person who “prematurely” drafted the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, and his brother McGeorge Bundy was the National Security Advisor who oversaw the mission which resulted in the Gulf of Tonkin incident. McGeorge then became the president of the Ford Foundation. Bundy has supported Communists such as Alger Hiss, and David Rockefeller chose him to be the editor of Foreign Affairs in 1972, who then published an article questioning the wisdom of military intervention in Southeast Asia. While many think Bundy eventually “changed his mind” about Vietnam, evidence shows that such a long-term progression was planned all along.
— Bundy’s Father-In-Law was Dean Acheson, who was hired by Joseph Stalin to represent Bolshevik interests in America before the Soviet Union was recognized by America. Donald Hiss, the brother of the Russian Spy Alger Hiss was the law partner of Acheson. Acheson helped many people who later have been identified as spies or security risks into high positions of the U.S. Government, and it was his clique that helped to give China to Mao Tse-tung. Despite being voted out of the position of Secretary of State in 1950 for his activities, he remained as an unofficial advisor to the Kennedy, Johnson, and the Nixon Administrations.

1968: President Johnson consults with advisors on forthcoming Vietnam peace talks. What’s wrong with this picture? Everyone in it, except Johnson, was a member of the CFR. Left to right: Andrew Goodplaster, Averell Harriman, Cyrus Vance, Maxwell Taylor, Walt Rostow, Richard Helms, William Bundy, Nicholas Katzenbach, Dean Rusk, Johnson. (Helms was not a council member at the time, but later joined.)

David Rockefeller’s 1964 trip to Moscow helped pave the way for wartime trade with the Soviet Bloc.

The Establishment has frequently exploited the native anti-Communism of the American people to inveigle them into destructive circumstances. In Vietnam, the “rules of engagement,” not declassified until 1985, precluded a U.S. victory.
Chapter 9 - The Unknown Nixon
This chapter explains Richard Nixon’s many connections to the Establishment, in particular his associations with Nelson Rockefeller, and it explains how Nixon’s Administration was actually quite liberal despite having a surface appearance of being conservative.
Following are key points from the chapter:
— Nixon won the presidential election in 1968, with his victory aided by the fact that his opponent Hubert Humphrey was Johnson’s Vice President. Liberals wanted an immediate pullout from Vietnam, and Conservatives wanted a decisive victory, but Nixon gave them four more years of war.
— Nelson Rockefeller was considering running for the Presidency, but opted instead to support Nixon from behind the scenes, and Nixon shifted his stances to be entirely in line with Rockefeller’s agendas. In the years before the election, Nixon came to work for Rockefeller’s law firm and moved into one of Rockefeller’s previous apartments in a high rise building owned by Rockefeller, thus making him Rockefeller’s neighbor, tenant, and employee.
— In 1970 and 1972, two books were published that rocked the Establishment by exposing much of its inner workings: The Naked Capitalist by former FBI official W. Cleon Skousen, and None Dare Call it Conspiracy, by Gary Allen, and as a result articles started being published by the mainstream media in defense of the CFR, and other articles suggested that the CFR was a “has-been” organization that is now out of power.
— Nixon appointed 110 CFR members to his Administration, which broke all previous records, and his choice for National Security Advisor was Henry Kissinger, who was heavily involved with David Rockefeller and the CFR.
— Despite Nixon being detested by liberals for having a conservative rhetoric and persona, his policies have been shown to be largely “left wing” and socialist which eventually impressed many aligned with those views. He introduced the largest volume of social legislation of any President in history, including building on many previous welfare programs. He also formed increasing associations with China and Russia, and labeled himself a “Keynesian” socialist in economics. Unknown to most who were impressed with his actions though, is that most of those policies where simply stepping stones to larger deceptive and harmful CFR globalist agendas.
— When Nixon pulled out of Vietnam, he allowed the North Vietnamese troops to stay in South Vietnam along with Congress cutting the supplies to Siagon, which doomed the South Vietnamese along with Laos and Cambodia to being overtaken by the North Vietnamese, which spread Communism and genocide. Doing so got Nixon reelected, and Henry Kissinger won the Nobel Peace Prize.

The peace agreement negotiated by Henry Kissinger allowed North Vietnam’s troops to remain in the South — virtually guaranteeing its collapse.

Vietnamese refugees flee from advancing Communist forces, March, 1975.
Chapter 10 - Carter And Trilateralism
This Chapter talks about the formation of a new globalist organization called the “Trilateral Commission,” and the installation of the Carter Presidency in order to implement it as well as many other CFR objectives including vastly empowering Communist regimes around the world including Russia, China, Southeast Asia, and in Central America as well as in Africa.
Following are key points from the chapter:
— The “Trilateral Commission” (TC) was formally established in 1973, and it consisted of leaders of business, media, and politics in the U.S., Europe, and Japan, with its stated aim being to create a council representing those countries. Rockefeller described it as “a group of concerned citizens interested in fostering greater understanding and cooperation among international allies,” but it was actually a method for overhauling the IMF in order to offer yet another source of credit to nations which were already extremely indebted to Rockefeller’s banks as part of a larger agenda of forcing multinational consolidation.
— Zbigniew Brzezinski helped Rockefeller develop the concept of the TC, and he wrote a book Between Two Ages which showed him to be a globalist who favors Communism, stating that “National sovereignty is no longer a viable concept,” as well as praising Marxism as “a victory of the external, active man over the inner, passive man and a victory of reason over belief.” [Note: Brzezinski was most recently a key foreign policy advisor for the Obama Administration.]
— In 1973 Brzezinski wrote in Foreign Affairs that the goals of the TC should be the central priority of U.S. policy, and soon Jimmy Carter, who was a Trilateralist, was made President. Jimmy Carter was portrayed in the press (usually by CFR affiliated outlets that knew otherwise) as completely innocent to the corrupt establishment, often claiming that his nomination was without the benefit of any “kingmaker,” power group, or power lobby. Polls showed that Carter initially had less than four percent of Democrats favoring him, so the Establishment put its full weight behind him, with him appearing on the cover of Time magazine three times, and Newsweek’s cover twice, with the artists for one of the covers instructed to make Carter resemble JFK as much as possible. Despite a few sources calling Carter out on this deception such as Penthouse magazine and Ronald Reagan, the image of Carter being innocent and uncorrupted stuck with him during his campaign.
— Carter created record deficits and double digit inflation, and was extremely unpopular for his catastrophic foreign policy which was actually just the standard CFR agendas but without having a false pretense of anti-Communism. Carter betrayed the democratically elected Latin American leader President Anastasio Somoza, who was a West Point Graduate and a devoted friend of the U.S. in order to have a brutal Marxist regime overtake Somoza’s country of Nicaragua (as detailed in an autobiography written by Somoza shortly before he was assassinated entitled Nicaragua Betrayed.) [Note— See the article The Astonishing Story of Nicaragua’s Anastasio Somoza.] Also Carter gave away control of the strategically important Panama Canal Zone, which he promised that he would not do while campaigning.
— On January 23, 1979, Valeurs Actuelles, the French political and economic weekly, reported the following comments by Mexico’s President Lopez Portillo: “When President Carter visited me I told him: 'I do not particularly like Somoza or his regime, as you know. But if the Sandinistas unseat him and replace him with a Castro-picked government it will have a profound effect on Nicaragua’s neighbors and certainly touch off a slide to the left in my country.' It was as though he did not hear a word of what I had said. He told me: 'Oh Mr. President, you must do something to help me get rid of this Somoza.'”
— The Shah of Iran was attempting to quell uprisings by Islamic Fundamentalists and Marxists in his country, and Carter forced him to ease up on those groups and make concessions through the U.S. withholding support. Also a Carter emissary persuaded the Iranian generals not to intervene to save the Shah’s government from being overthrown by the Ayatollah Khomeini in a coup, and Khomeini later killed many of those generals. [Note: February 10, 2020— Also see the article The book “Hostage to Khomeini” explains how Iran’s oppressive government has become covertly controlled by the global political elite.]
— Also when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan, Carter’s response was passive.
— The CFR had an agenda of opening up trade with Communist China, which was anxious for an infusion of U.S. credit and technology despite members of China’s government such as Vice-Premier Teng Hsiao-ping giving a speech to the Party’s Central Committee in 1977 suggesting a strategy of temporarily exploiting the U.S. for its technology and then telling them to leave, using rhetoric of the West being “enemies.”
— Despite the Senate voting 94 to 0 that Carter should consult with them before changing any agreement with Taiwan (free China), Carter waited until the Christmas break in 1978 to announce that be broke relations with Taiwan and recognized the Chinese Communists, even though the Chineese had killed more people than any other government in history— which also flew in the face of Carter’s supposed stand on “human rights” which he claimed was a cornerstone of his foreign policy.
— Carter was also quiet about Cambodian Genocide, and he wanted to remove Western troops from South Korea which could have resulted in renewed Communist invasion.
— Communism also spread to many African countries during Carter’s Presidency, including Zimbabwe.
— The chapter closes with the statement: “Like the Grim Reaper wielding a scythe, Jimmy Carter left behind a bloody trail of betrayed allies. Communism had been strengthened in every corner of the globe. One is hard pressed to find major Carter foreign policy decisions that served the interests of the American people or the Free World. It would appear, however, that he very satisfactorily executed the Trilateral-CFR game plan.”

Jimmy Carter tapped follow Trilateralists Zbigniew Brzezinski (center) and Cyrus Vance (right) for National Security Advisor and Secretary of State, despite assurances from Hamilton Jordan that it would never happen.

A 1977 meeting of the Trilateral Commission. Barry Goldwater called the organization a “vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the United States.”
Chapter 11 - A Second Look At Ronald Reagan
This chapter explains issues with Ronald Reagan’s Administration, including how he was initially an “outsider candidate” but then adopted the Establishment line while campaigning, how he was “conservative” in rhetoric only similar to Richard Nixon, and how he was not actually heavily pro-defense or anti-Communist despite his well-known spoken rhetoric giving the impression of otherwise.
Following are key points from the chapter:
— Despite the major media generally avoiding properly criticizing Jimmy Carter at the end of his Administration, some smaller news sources did criticize him, as did Ronald Reagan who mentioned issues about Carter’s involvement with the Trilateral Commission (TC), which helped Reagan win popularity with “main street conservatives” over the Establishment’s overwhelming favorite George Bush. Bush’s family association with the Rockefellers dated back to World War II with Bush’s father being a partner in the Brown Brothers Harriman firm. [Note— That firm was associated with Adolph Hitler and the Nazi war machine. See the video Nazi Connections of the Bush Family.] George Bush was also the director of the CFR and a member of the Trilateral Commission, but he resigned from those organizations before embarking on his Presidential campaign.
— Reagan was essentially an outsider to the Establishment at the start of his campaign, and as such he was compared to being the “Goldwater” of 1980. However, his Hollywood stardom, rhetoric, and speaking abilities made him extremely popular. Robert Scheer reported in the August 1980 Playboy magazine that David Rockefeller held a secret meeting with other Republicans to form a strategy of stopping Reagan and supporting Bush, with Gerald Ford being a backup candidate. However, Reagan eventually won them over and put together a transition team with over 28 CFR members, and chose Bush as his running mate. As President, he appointed more than eighty members of the CFR or Trilateral Commission, or both.
— Similar to Eisenhower and Nixon, Reagan was conservative in spoken rhetoric only. During his Administration he increased deficits from Jimmy Carter’s $80 Billion to as much as $220 Billion in 1986, which exceeded even Lyndon Johnson’s deficit during the Vietnam War. His deficits were greater than all other presidental Administrations combined. While claiming to be an enemy of taxation, Reagan pushed through the largest tax increase in history, as well as increasing the size of the civilian work force in the executive branch by 100,000 between 1981 and 1986. “Reaganomics” was then touted as being Keynesian in the media, which a President having a “liberal” reputation would never have been able to accomplish without being heavily criticized.
— Despite Reagan being perceived as being in favor of military strength, it is shown that the perception was mostly due only to his spoken rhetoric while his actions showed otherwise. After initially criticizing Jimmy Carter for being involved with the Salt II Treaty, he abided by its terms despite numerous Soviet violations. Also defense spending increased only minimally or not at all during his Administration, and in fact he dismantled many previous weapons systems such as a number of submarines, refusing deployment of new Minuteman missiles despite their being authorized by Congress, he deactivated many strategic B-52 Bombers, reduced MX missile planned deployment, and cancelled production of submarine launched ballistic missiles, among other reductions.
— Reagan is often considered to be a strongly “anti-Communist” due to his “Evil Empire” comment, but his actions show otherwise. In 1982 he bailed out Communist Polish Banks with U.S. taxpayer money rather than pressuring them to pay; his Administration channeled money into El Salvador to support socialists and Marxists overtaking the Democratically elected government; he did not seek to reestablish ties with Taiwan and greatly multiplied trade with Communist China; much money had been sent to the Communist regimes in Africa through a “back door” of the Import-Export bank while Reagan publicly gave the appearance of supporting anti-Communist forces; he lifted Jimmy Carter’s embargo of wheat and equipment to Russia that was associated with their invasion of Afghanistan; and he pledged to cut off aid to the Afghanistan Mujahideen who were battling the Soviet forces.
— Despite surface appearances, Reagan’s policies were the same ones the nation had been following for the previous fifty years. In fact, Reagan’s perception of being a hard-nosed conservative enabled him to forward leftist agendas that Democratic Administrations would never have been able to get away with implementing.
Chapter 12 - The Media Blackout
This chapter describes how the CFR controls the mainstream media through major media outlets being run by individuals who are members of the organization. It is explained how many of the CFR’s objectives are forwarded through controlling and limiting news reports, such as news blackouts about topics like Communist regimes being installed in countries such as Nicaragua, and human rights abuses such as genocide occurring in Marxist countries such as Cambodia.
Following are key points from the chapter:
— In 1917, Congressman Oscar Callaway put a statement into the Congressional Record saying that in 1915, J.P. Morgan employed 12 men who where prominent in the newspaper world to select the newspapers in the U.S. that were the most influential, and Morgan then purchased the control of the top 25 papers and put an editor at each in order to control the information that was reported related to militarism, financial policies, and other issues of interest to the political Establishment.
— The media being controlled by the Establishment made creating support for the entry into World War One very easy, however a few books had been published in subsequent years which raised serious questions about the U.S. involvement in it, including Harry Elmer Barnes’ Genesis of the World War (1926), and Sidney Fay’s Origins of the World War (1928), among others. After World War II, the Establishment moved to block information that was published critical of the war via the Rockefeller Foundation, with CFR associates publishing “official” accounts while independent authors were blacklisted and ignored by the media. Only a few small independent book publishers were willing to publish books talking about the truth of World War II, and major book clubs and retailers were controlled by pressure groups who sought to suppress the truth.
— In more recent years, despite events such as the Vietnam War, Watergate, and Iran-Contra having the involvement of the CFR, criticism has almost always been deflected elsewhere, where it also often stigmatizes people and organizations that the CFR does not like, as well as stigmatizing policies it does not like such as nationalism and anti-Communism.
— All major newspapers are controlled by the CFR. The New York Times was purchased in 1896 by Alfred Ochs with the backing from J.P. Morgan and agents of Rothschild, and it has been passed down to CFR members starting with Ochs’ son-in-law Arthur Hays Sulzberger. Many reporters and editors of the newspaper are CFR members as well. The Washington Post was purchased by CFR member Eugene Meyer in 1933, and his first action was to fire its editor for his refusal to support U.S. recognition of the Soviet Union. The Washington Post also owns Newsweek magazine, whose editors and many contributors belong to the CFR. Time magazine was also founded by and is run by CFR members such as Henry Grundwald, and Time also publishes People, Life, Fortune, Money, and Sports Illustrated.
— All of the major television networks are interlocked with the CFR, with most chairmen being members, as well as most major media personalities being members such as Dan Rather, Peter Jennings, and Jim Lehher. The CFR is also closely associated with PBS and all other major news sources.
— International human rights abuses are often not reported if they occur in Marxist countries, such as when genocide occurred in Cambodia which resulted in nearly a third of its population being killed by the Khmer Rouge. Foreign Affairs published an article in 1970 by Norordom Sihanouk hoping for “total victory of the revolution” in Cambodia, and he claimed that relations with the U.S. would improve as soon as Washington stopped helping the government combat the Communists. The U.S. media then echoed the viewpoint of Sihanouk, such as the New York Times running a headline in 1975 only days before the fall of Phnom Phun: “Indochina Without Americans: For Most a Better Life.” A million Cambodians died at the hands of the Communists, but in 1976 only four stories were published by the New York Times about human rights abuses in Cambodia, as opposed to sixty-six articles talking about abuses in Chile. Also NBC news never even referred to the problem in Cambodia, ABC mentioned it only once, and CBS only twice.
— Nicaraguan President Anastasio Somoza made revelations about how the U.S. media operates in his book Nicaragua Betrayed. He explained that when he was interviewed for a segment of the show Sixty Minutes, Dan Rather tried every conceivable journalist trick to try to trip him up, and out of two-and-a-half hours of being interviewed, they did not show him saying anything good about Nicaragua, did not show him saying President Carter is trying to destroy the government of Nicaragua, and did not show him mentioning Communist activity or the involvement of Cuba. Also Rather asked about rumors of “torture chambers” in the security offices of Nicaragua, so Somoza immediately brought Rather to those offices with cameras running to show him that the rumor was false, but Rather made no mention of even that in his report.
— [Note: Also see the John Birch Society video “Behind the Big News” which details the CFR’s control of American media outlets.]

Bones of victims of the Communist genocide in Cambodia, unearthed from a mass grave near Phnom Penh. During 1976, the “New York Times” ran sixty-six human rights stories about Chile, but only four about Cambodia.

Coverage of Soviet atrocities in Afghanistan was also avoided by most of the media.
Chapter 13 - The CFR Today
This chapter explains how the CFR has shifted its strategies in recent years. Topcis mentioned include the CFR acknowledging not having any choice but to build its globalist objectives “from the bottom up rather than the top down” due to resistance to the expansion of the UN, as well as increasingly limiting their public discussion of globalist objectives, ceasing the use of the phrase “New World Order,” taking on “token” members who do not represent the long term goals of the organization, and publishing propaganda books which mislead the public about the organization.
Following are key points from the chapter:
— Some attempt to claim that the influence of the CFR is exaggerated by its critics, saying that the CFR does not officially write or control policy or control politicians. However, individual CFR members often coordinate their efforts with other CFR members in order to exert such control. The CFR is not “oath-bound” and members are often invited to join the organization based on their family background or other distinguishing criteria, and people may join without their even knowing the core viewpoints of the organization. However, the majority of those involved in the organization have pro-socialist and pro-globalist views. Also despite the organization being secretive, it is not a “secret society,” but rather a legitimate “front group” of the Establishment, however many key members are involved with secret societies.
— Over the time the CFR has shifted its methods to achieving its long term objectives due to increasing public exposure of its activities. In 1974, Richard Gardner wrote an April 1974 Foreign Affairs article entitled “The Hard Road to World Order,” explaining that long term globalist objectives will need to be built from the “bottom up rather than the top down,” explaining that direct expansion of the UN is not feasible due to public resistance, and he laid out “ten commandments” as a guide for action. In following years the phrase “New World Order” fell out of disuse in the Journal, and the organization’s globalist bias has become less pronounced in its official writings. It is described as becoming more of a “club” where people of culture get to meet people from Wall Street to become consultants. Also the organization has made efforts to add “token” members who do not officially share the views of the long term objectives of the organization, such as recognized anti-Communists Arnaud de Borchgrave and Norman Podhorerz.
— A number of propaganda books have been published during the 1980s including The Best and the Brightest, The Wise Men of Foreign Affairs, and The Wise Men, which congratulate many members of the CFR as being exceptionally intelligent men of integrity while concealing issues of corruption, as well as slandering people and organizations whose views are not in line with the organization’s goals.
— The CFR is in the process of “expanding,” and members such as George Kennan speak about elevating its role to being an official “council of wise men” having the same prestige as the U.S. Supreme Court, which has been suggested for the organization as far back as 1924. Kennan is suggesting that foreign policy should be settled by an unelected elite, but such an arrangement would require that the United States Constitution be overwritten.
Chapter 14 - On The Threshold Of A New World Order?
This chapter explains issues of attempts by people often associated with the CFR to modify the U.S. Constitution in order for it to accommodate globalist objectives which the Constitution was originally designed to block. Various organizations are explained such as the Ford Foundation which promote the imposition of a “Constitutional Convention” which would implement far-reaching changes to the Constitution that would dramatically alter the functioning and role of the U.S. Government. Also statements by individuals such as Former Supreme Court Justice Warren Burger and foreign policy advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski are explained showing how they are supportive of changing the Constitution to accommodate globalist agendas.
Following are key points from the chapter:
— The U.S. Constitution guarantees our liberties such as freedom of speech, press, assembly, and religion. It also guarantees our right to choose our leaders and our right to fair trials.
— While the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights have recently passed their bicentennials, some have made suggestions to revise or even replace them. Former Supreme Court Justice Warren Burger, who is a known opponent of the Constitution, was an honorary chairman of the “Project ‘87,” which is an organization which promoted “appraisal” of the Constitution, and co-chairman was MacGregor Burns who wrote in 1984 that “we must directly confront the constitutional structure [the founding fathers] erected,” and in 1987 he wrote, “I doubt that Americans under normal conditions could agree on the package of radical and ‘alien’ constitutional changes that would be required. They would do so, I think, only during and following a stupendous national crisis and political failure.”
— MacGregor Burns was also on the board of another group which proposed drastic changes to the Constitution called the Committee on the Constitutional System (CCS), which was made up of many CFR members and Rockefeller associates. The CCS published a book in 1985 called Reforming American Government: The Bicentennial Papers of the Committee on the Constitutional System, which proposed to allow voters to vote only for parties rather than casting votes for individual candidates (which would eliminate independent candidates), and it also proposed that Congress should be expanded to dilute the elective power of voters and the balance between the Executive and Legislative, requirements for Senate ratifications of treaties should be lowered, and term lengths should be doubled for members of Congress. The book states that the only way to achieve these goals is to write a new Constitution. Those proposals have roots in a Foreign Affairs article that was written in 1980 by Carter Counsel Lloyd N. Cutler after the Senate refused to ratify the Salt II Treaty.
— A “modern” Constitution had been drawn up in 1970 by the Ford Foundation funded “Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions,” which called for a Senate entirely appointed by the President rather than elected along with its members serving for their lifetimes, the transfer of the State’s powers to the Federal Government, nationalization of the communications industry, and the removal of the right to trial by jury.
— A “Constitutional Convention” [(“Con-Con”)] could be imposed with 2/3 of the state legislatures calling for it, but that has never happened. In 1988, thirty-two of the required thirty-four states had voted for it because it had been publicized as a means to create a requirement for a balanced budget, but the genuine intentions which many legislatures were not aware of was to make far-reaching changes to the Constitution. [Note also see the section of the article “Restoring the Rights of the States and the People” entitled “No Constitutional Convention” which explains that a “Constitutional Convention” would be a catastrophe that could potentially entirely nullify the U.S. Consitution.]
— Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote in Between Two Ages: “The approaching two-hundreth anniversary of the Declaration of Independence could justify the call for a national constitutional convention .. for culminating a national dialogue on the relevance of existing arrangements, the workings of the representative process, and the desirability of imitating the various European regionalization reforms and of streamlining the administrative structure. ...”
— International bankers have a history of engineering economic disasters for the purpose of forwarding their own agendas, and such a disaster might be used to force a Constitutional Convention. A very big possibility exists of a worldwide economic crash and depression being engineered in order to usher in World Government which would merge free world countries and Communist states. For decades the Council on Foreign Relations has advocated regional alliances against the Soviet Union, but with the plan of the Soviets being eventually brought into “the Community of Nations” including the fusion of Eastern and Western Europe. [Note— This currently is in the process of happening with the European Union.]
— In 1953, Norman Dodd, the Director of Research for the Reece Committee, was invited to the Headquarters of the Ford Foundation and told by Rowan Gaither, who was a CFR member and President of the Ford Foundation, that the grant making power of the Foundation is intended to “alter the life in the United States that we can be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union.”
— [Note that this book was written shortly before the fall of Communism in the Soviet Union.] Gorbachev has staged a campaign of “Glastnost,” where a few prominent dissidents are released from Gulags to much U.S. media hype, while millions of others still languish in those prisons. Russia is filled with economic hardships and people are required to stand in line for entire days to receive basic food supplies such as milk, but more importantly Russia is a totalitarian state without civil liberties, where it is against the law to even own a mimeograph machine! More than sixty million people have died in its slave labor camps.
— History often appears to be a collection of random and chaotic coincidences, but the reality is that most major historical events have been planned far in advance, such as rapprochement with the Communist Chinese which every President since Roosevelt has been advancing.
— Thomas Jefferson once said “Single acts of tyranny may be ascribed to the accidental opinion of a day, but a series of oppressions, begun at a distinguished period, and persued unalterably through every change of ministers, too plainly prove a deliberate systematical plan of reducing us to slavery.”
Chapter 15 - Solutions And Hope
This chapter speaks about a variety of topics, including the importance of electing members of Congress who will fight the agendas of the corrupt Establishment; how a certain pattern of events occurs when the U.S. Government installs a Marxist regime in a foreign country; how in 1983 the Soviet Union shot down a passenger airliner carrying Dr. Lawrence MacDonald who was a U.S. Congressman that was an outspoken critic of the Establishment and its support of Communism; a brief history of the Life of Robert Welch who founded the John Birch Society; common techniques of distortion that opposition groups often make use of; and why Globalism is not at all ideal despite many being initally led to believe that it is.
Following are key points from the chapter:
— It is important to elect members of Congress who will fight the agendas of the corrupt Establishment by doing the following: Support the Constitution and oppose a constitutional convention; give aid to peoples battling Communist aggression and withdrawing aid from Marxist regimes; opposing the strengthening of globalist organizations of dubious merit such as the UN; and supporting reductions in federal spending, taxation, and bureaucracy.
— Most Presidential candidates make claims of being against aspects of the Establishment, but the truth is usually the opposite, such as Woodrow Wilson running as “Anti-Money Trust,” FDR as “anti-Wall Street,” Jimmer Carter as “anti-’Insider’,” and Ronald Reagan as “anti-Trilateral Commission.”
— It would be beneficial to call for a Congressional investigation into the CFR and Trilateral Commission as the American Legion did in 1980.
— A certain pattern of events often occurs when the U.S. Government installs a Marxist regime in a foreign country: (1) Insurgent Communists begin a campaign of Terror in the Nation, (2) To protect the population, the nation’s government cracks down on the insurgents, (3) The American press then denounces the legitimate government as “oppressing dissenters,” “violating human rights,” and the country’s leader is falsely targeted as a “tyrant,” (4) The U.S. via CFR diplomats intervene, demand the government make concessions to the rebels including the release of those captured and form a coalition government with them. (5) After the legitimate government finally collapses, the Marxists assume power, and the American media then ignores what has happened as well as ignoring the human rights violations that then continually occur in the country. This has happened in China, Cuba, South Vietnam, Cambodia, Iran, Nicaragua, and Rhodesia.
— On September 1, 1983, the Korean Air Lines Flight 007 was shot down en route from Alaska to Seuol by an air-to-air missile from a Soviet interceptor, and all aboard perished. Soviet fighters had been tailing the plane for more than two hours before shooting it down. Dr. Lawrence McDonald, who was the most dedicated anti-Establishment and anti-Communism member of Congress was on board the plane, and it was likely that the plane was shot down due to him being on board. McDonald was also the Chairman of the John Birch Society, which is one of the world’s largest anti-Establishment and anti-Communist organizations. Jeffery St. John wrote about the tragedy in the book The Day of the Cobra. McDonald was considered to be the arch-enemy of the American Establishment, and he wrote in the forward to Gary Allen’s book The Rockefeller File about “the drive of the Rockefellers and their allies to create a one-world government, combining super-capitalism and Communism under the same tent.”
— Robert Welch (1899-1985) founded the John Birch Society in 1958. He learned to read at age two, and at age twelve he was a freshman at the University of North Carolina. When World War One broke out, he entered the Naval Academy at age 17 and two years later he ranked fourth in a class of one thousand. He attended Harvard Law School after the war but withdrew to start a successful business career. He was on the board of the National Association of Manufacturers for seven years, and in 1958 he formed the John Birch Society in response to Eisenhower’s hollow views against Communism. He named the organization John Birch after a missionary to China who was killed by the Chinese Communists. The John Birch Society soon had tens of thousands of members and was active against the Establishment, Communism, big government, world government, and it is still active today.
— The U.S. Communist party issued a directive to its members in 1943 stating, “When certain obstructionists become too irritating, label them, after suitable build-ups, as Facist or Nazi or Anti-Semitic, and use the prestige of anti-Facist and tolerance organizations to discredit them. In the public mind constantly associate those who oppose us with those names which already have a bad smell.”
— Hitler’s regime and Communism are both totalitarian forms of government, despite being enemies of each other during World War II. The John Birch Society proposes limited government, nonetheless the John Birch Society has often been falsely attacked as being a “Fascist, anti-semitic, paranoid organization” by the Establishment media.
— The idea of a New World Order can be made to seem appealing, especially in times of economic turmoil or terrorism, and Globalists speak of a “new age” where “all people live and peace and harmony,” however the truth is that no checks and balances exist within such a system, thus eventually leading to a global tyranny. The reason why genocide or police state terror has never occurred in the United States is because of its system of checks and balances. The fact that many independent nations exist serves as its own sort of “checks and balances,” due to people being able to flee a country and other countries intervening if the situation gets too bad. Globalists try to suggest that a “one world government” will eliminate evil in humanity, but it will only eliminate an important buffer against evil, and the Bible even warns of an evil one world government.
— The book closes with: We Americans must make a choice— liberty or new world order. If we wait too long, a national crisis may sweep us into the wrong decision irrevocably. Perhaps with the help of The John Birch Society, we can thwart the ends of globalism. One thing is for sure: the job will be a lot easier if we turn our hearts toward God and ask for his assistance. If not, all the signs say, night’s curtain will surely fall.

Robert Welch, who founded the John Birch Society (left), and Congressman Lawrence P. McDonald (right) were both outspoken about the Establishment’s agendas of covertly spreading Communism.

Congressman McDonald’s wife, Kathryn, and son, Trygvvi, at the Washington memorial service for him after the airliner he was a passenger on was shot down by the Soviet Union in 1983.
About the Author
As a student of Colby College and Boston University during the latter years of the Vietnam War, James Perloff included himself in the new generation that had gone radical left - an outlook he voiced as a school columnist and cartoonist. However, when he probed America’s power structure deeply, he was shocked to learn that he and his fellow students had moved in the precise direction intended by the Establishment - that unofficial ruling entity they thought they had been rebelling against. Several years of research persuaded him that the American Establishment was a far more clever organism than anyone had ever dreamed, and culminated with his writing The Shadows of Power. Mr Perloff is a contributing editor to The New American, the biweekly journal of news and opinion.
As a student of Colby College and Boston University during the latter years of the Vietnam War, James Perloff included himself in the new generation that had gone radical left - an outlook he voiced as a school columnist and cartoonist. However, when he probed America’s power structure deeply, he was shocked to learn that he and his fellow students had moved in the precise direction intended by the Establishment - that unofficial ruling entity they thought they had been rebelling against. Several years of research persuaded him that the American Establishment was a far more clever organism than anyone had ever dreamed, and culminated with his writing The Shadows of Power. Mr Perloff is a contributing editor to The New American, the biweekly journal of news and opinion.
Back Cover
Does America have a hidden oligarchy? Is U.S. foreign policy run by a closed shop? What is the Council on Foreign Relations?
It began in 1921 as a front organization for J.P. Morgan and Company. By World War II it had acquired unrivaled influence on American foreign policy. Hundreds of U.S. government administrators and diplomats have been drawn from its ranks - regardless of which party has occupied the White House. But what does the Council on Foreign Relations stand for? Why do the major media avoid discussing it? What has been its impact on America’s past - and what is it planning for the future? These questions and more are answered by James Perloff in The Shadows of Power.
An eye-opening account of a private group that has helped shift American foreign policy away from America’s best interests. Highly recommended.
— David B. Funderburk, Former U.S. Ambassador to Romania
Policies linked to the organization described in this book have helped visit a number of tragedies on the free world. There may be more forthcoming. James Perloff has cut through a litany of myths to bring out the facts. To not read this book is to live dangerously.
— Philip Crane, United States Congressman, [Chicago, Illinois (1969-2005)]
If we want to avoid the disaster of one-world government, if we wish to preserve our priceless national sovereignty and live through all time as free men, then it is imperative that the American people read “The Shadows of Power.”
— Meldrim Thomson, Jr., Governor of New Hampshire (1973-1979)
There have been many books purporting to explain the ‘real’ reasons for what happened to us in Vietnam. Unfortunately, most of these have been part of the same old smokescreen from the actual architect of the war, the American Establishment. Our veterans deserve more than memorials - they deserve the truth. Here at last is a book where they can find it.
— Andrew Gatsis, Brigadier General, U.S. Army (Ret.)
Does America have a hidden oligarchy? Is U.S. foreign policy run by a closed shop? What is the Council on Foreign Relations?
It began in 1921 as a front organization for J.P. Morgan and Company. By World War II it had acquired unrivaled influence on American foreign policy. Hundreds of U.S. government administrators and diplomats have been drawn from its ranks - regardless of which party has occupied the White House. But what does the Council on Foreign Relations stand for? Why do the major media avoid discussing it? What has been its impact on America’s past - and what is it planning for the future? These questions and more are answered by James Perloff in The Shadows of Power.
An eye-opening account of a private group that has helped shift American foreign policy away from America’s best interests. Highly recommended.
— David B. Funderburk, Former U.S. Ambassador to Romania
Policies linked to the organization described in this book have helped visit a number of tragedies on the free world. There may be more forthcoming. James Perloff has cut through a litany of myths to bring out the facts. To not read this book is to live dangerously.
— Philip Crane, United States Congressman, [Chicago, Illinois (1969-2005)]
If we want to avoid the disaster of one-world government, if we wish to preserve our priceless national sovereignty and live through all time as free men, then it is imperative that the American people read “The Shadows of Power.”
— Meldrim Thomson, Jr., Governor of New Hampshire (1973-1979)
There have been many books purporting to explain the ‘real’ reasons for what happened to us in Vietnam. Unfortunately, most of these have been part of the same old smokescreen from the actual architect of the war, the American Establishment. Our veterans deserve more than memorials - they deserve the truth. Here at last is a book where they can find it.
— Andrew Gatsis, Brigadier General, U.S. Army (Ret.)
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A Summary of Long Term Globalist Establishment Agendas of the Global Elite |
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A Summary of the Book “The Shadows of Power: The Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline” |