”Aerosol Crimes” Excerpt: Potential Military Applications using HAARP with Chemtrail Spraying
This video clip from the Clifford Carnicom documentary “Aerosol Crimes” explains military applications of chemtrail aerosols which are continuously being sprayed into the atmosphere by high altitude jet aircraft. Explained is how the element Barium— which is commonly being sprayed into the atmosphere— is documented as being listed as an important aspect for the enhancement of the functionality of the ionospheric modifying HAARP program which can be made use of as a variety of extremely destructive weapons.
Following is a description of the information in the clip:
Carnicom explains that since many military organizations have taken a sustained interest in monitoring his aerosol spraying research, along with their continual public claims of such spraying being a hoax is reason enough for many to seek the truth of the matter. The most high level military agencies, intelligence services, and defense contractors clearly have an interest in monitoring and controlling the level of discussion and disclosure on the aerosol issue.
The central theme of the military is that of control in the deepest and most far reaching sense, and when the atmosphere of the planet is controlled, life itself in the end is controlled.
With a basic knowledge of “plasma physics,” which is the physics of an energised gas or atmosphere, it is important to be introduced to the HAARP facility and technology. HAARP or “High Active Auroral Research Program” is operated by the U.S. Air Force and is claimed to be only a “Research Facility” for studying the behaviors of the ionosphere with particular emphasis on being able to use it to enhance communications and surveillance for both civilian and defense purposes. Evidence shows that the project s more than only a “scientific endeavor,” however.
A 1987 patent by Bernard Eastlund describes how to alter a region of the Earth’s atmosphere, ionosphere, and magnetosphere, which are based on the work of Nikola Tesla who pioneered energy transfer and amplification including the use of the atmosphere as a medium for sending energy from point A to point B. The patent describes being able to put unprecedented amounts of power into the Earth’s atmosphere at strategic locations, and to maintain that power level with pulsing of the energy. The patent also recommends the use of large clouds of Barium so that ionization by sunlight will increase the electron density within the plasma environment. Testing and analysis does now positively indicate the presence of unusual levels of Barium— which is a toxic element— within atmospheric samples.
Eastlund’s patent contains many military applications including the enhancement of or interference of communication and guidance systems including those of airplanes and missiles. Mr. Eastlund also stated that “The present invention can be formed to simulate or perform the same functions as the detonations of a “HEAVE” type of nuclear device without actually having to detonate such a device.” A “HEAVE” weapon has the effect of lifting the magnetic field of the Earth itself, and involves the expenditure of massive amounts of energy.
The executive summary for the HAARP project also mentions forcing the decent of particles from the atmosphere toward the ground using ELF radiation from HAARP.
Carnicom states: “Clearly, environmental modifications, the electromagnetic transfer of energy, and military operations of global impact are already in sight from the existence of aerosols in our atmosphere.”
The full length DVD may be ordered from Clifford Carnicom’s official website at https://carnicominstitute.org. The video may be viewed here.
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A Summary of Potential Abuses by ”HAARP” Type Ionosphere Altering Installations |
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Video: ”Aerosol Crimes” Excerpt: Potential Military Applications using HAARP with Chemtrail Spraying |