News of Interest.TV

Video of Black Lives Matter agitators threatening patrons at a Washington D.C. restaurant

 by Edward Ulrich, August 31, 2020

This video recorded in Washington D.C. shows Black Lives Matter protestors harassing a white couple at an outdoor cafe because they refused to raise their fists in solidarity as they were ordered to do, as everyone else did at the cafe.  A woman screams in their faces “Trash! Trash! Trash!” while a man shouts at them “Racist piece of Sh*t!”

I think the video sums up the irrational and hostile nature of the Black Lives Matter movement very well.  People who are involved with it are either corrupt or very manipulated and naive.  See this artice for information explaining why the police do not actaully have a “homicidial bias.”

Black people in the U.S. have been the target of psychological warfare from the political Establishment for centuries, so the mentalities of many people in the most impoverished areas can be damaged and unhealthy by design.  Franklin Roosevelt is often attributed with saying “In politics, nothing happens by accident.  If it happened, you can bet it was planned to be that way.”

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