News of Interest.TV

This article is a collection of disturbing issues about the Joe Biden administration.  It is a part of the article A Summary of Long Term Globalist Establishment Agendas of the Global Elite.

View the entire article >>
updated October 14, 2022

Article Notes
new: October 14, 2022 - Updated information in the article.

Following is SELECTED CONTENT from the article:

Joe Biden is a blatant open pervert
running time 10 minutes
In this video, Paul Watson explains that Joe Biden has a long history of groping children during photo ops and making statements such as “No dates until you are 30!”

Dangerous immigration agendas of the Biden administration:

Kamala Harris wants open borders, along with all of the rest of the dangerous and deceptive Democrat agendas
updated September 19, 2022
This article is a collection of video clips from before the 2020 election showing Kamala Harris communicating her stances about various issues, where she expresses her support for the most extreme leftist positions of the Democrats, including open borders.

Congress is once again pushing to legalize tens of thousands of Afghans
September 10, 2022
The “Afghan Adjustment Act” is being touted in Congress once again, which is designed to give tens of thousands of recent Afghan evacuees a quick path to permanent residency in the U.S. and then potentially citizenship, with the political Establishment’s idea being to push the agenda through as quickly as possible.  A new iteration of the bill includes language that is intended to seem reassuring that the Afghans would be properly vetted, however such vetting is actually usually impossible due to the circumstances of the situation.

Biden is still not using a Defense Department database to vet Afghans with potential terrorism ties
September 10, 2022
Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is continuing to not screen Afghan arrivals to the United States for potential terrorism ties through the Department of Defense’s “tactical database,” while he is pushing to put more than 85,000 on a fast track to American citizenship.

The New York Republican candidate for Governor Rob Astorino is warning that the Biden Administration is sending adult men as supposedly “kids” on migrant flights into suburban New York
updated September 10, 2022
The Republican candidate for New York Governor Rob Astorino gave a press conference Wednesday outside the Stewart International Airport, explaining that the Biden administration has been transporting single adult men migrants on secret flights to suburban New York under the guise of supposedly being “children,” where many are then enrolled in New York high schools despite not knowing how to speak English.

Georgia and Arizona want illegal immigrants to pay in-state tuition at their universities, while actual citizens who are from out-of-state will pay significantly more
February 20, 2021
Legislators in Georgia and Arizona are advancing bills that would allow illegal immigrants to pay in-state tuition at state schools, and the University of Connecticut is announcing a new course for students that focuses on “immigration justice.”

Joe Biden has been engaging in harmful tyrannical behavior since being elected:

Maria Bartiromo discusses issues with Biden’s tyrannical behavior at the opening of his administration, including Kevin Kleinsmith being let off for framing Trump for Russian Collusion
February 3, 2021
Maria Bartiromo discusses various issues with Joe Biden’s aggressive tyrannical behavior at the start of his administration.

Joe Biden has issued an outrageous 42 executive orders in one week, a practice that he called ‘dictator behavior’ while campaigning
February 3, 2021
A National Pulse article explains that Joe Biden has signed 42 executive orders in the first week of his presidency, which is ten times as many as Trump signed, eight times as many as Barack Obama signed, and 42 more than Presidents Regan and Bush signed.

Biden’s senior advisor Anita Dunn listed the homicidal Communist Mao Zedong among her “favorite political philosophers”
January 27, 2021
A Daily Caller article explains that Biden’s senior advisor Anita Dunn said the Chinese dictator Mao Zedong was one of her “favorite political philosophers” in a speech at a high school graduation in 2009.

Joe Biden and the Democrats secretively have Communist objectives:

World View Weekend: “Bernie Sanders’ Marxism Exposed With Guest Trevor Loudon”
Brannon Howse speaks with Trevor Loudon, where Loudon explains the frightening reality of the extreme Communist “Democratic Socialists of America” movement encroaching in American politics and the associated Cultural Marxist agendas that are being propagated with it.  Loudon explains why the upcoming presidential election will be entirely a choice of “Communism vs freedom.”

White House Reds: Communist and Socialist Security Risks Running for President, 2020
This book by Trevor Loudon explains the frightening socialist and Communist agendas of the Democrat candidates running for election in 2020.  Purchase the book at, or purchase the book at Amazon.

October 14, 2022
Don’t worry, this bear isn’t a victim of global warming, he’s been swimming in an algea-filled pond at the Higashiyama Zoo in Japan. (Image from Shuzo Shikano/Kyoto News)
Don’t worry, this bear isn’t a victim of global warming, he’s been swimming in an algea-filled pond at the Higashiyama Zoo in Japan. (Image from Shuzo Shikano/Kyoto News)

Most people have heard claims of man-made global warming being intentionally exaggerated by politicians, scientists, and the media, but how could that be true?  Taking into consideration the amount of media coverage the issue has received, surely such a truth would have been established in the mainstream by now, or would it?

This multi-part summary article examines all aspects of the global warming debate, including scientific claims about the effects of the warming, potential causes of the warming, motives behind global warming legislation, and issues with the media and many Establishment environmental groups.

This summary article is continually updated.

View the entire article >>
updated October 14, 2022

Article Notes
new: October 14, 2022 - Added informtion about Joe Biden’s environment related agendas.

October 13, 2022 - All sections of this article have been updated.

Section directories of this article:

<em>Section Directory:</em>  The Politics of Global Warming
updated October 14, 2022
Most people are glad to help make the world a healthier place.  They like to know that their actions are improving the Earth rather than degrading it and they are willing to make sacrifices to help that come about.

Powerful political elite individuals understand people's desires for a healthy environment and they try to further such desires in the populace, but unfortunately it is usually due to ulterior motives rather than for actually fixing environmental problems.

This section directory contains articles examining treaties and legislation associated with climate change such as the Kyoto Protocol, “Cap and Trade” legislation, and the 2009 “Framework Convention on Climate Change.”  It is shown that the implementation of such measures are meant to further long-range objectives of global elite individuals and organizations such as the United Nations, while actually having little or nothing to do with helping the environment.

The fact that global warming is potentially a “global problem” is a key aspect making the issue appealing to be exploited by global political elites for furthering their objectives— such as incrementally dissolving the individual sovereignty of nations while creating a world system of private financial control that is in the hands of those few ruling elite.  Much evidence shows globalist objectives of their eventually ruling and controlling the world's populace through a type of a totalitarian “post-industrial feudal system.”

<em>Section Directory:</em>  An Examination of the Effects of a Warming Climate
updated October 13, 2022
Many people are under the impression that the effects of Carbon Dioxide being put into the atmosphere by man’s activities will cause catastrophic and irreversible environmental damage to planet Earth— a view that is reinforced by hundreds of millions of websites, many documentaries, rhetoric from politicians, environmental groups, organizations such as the United Nations, and news stories continually put out by many mainstream sources.

The amount of information claiming that global warming is an urgent man-made problem is so pervasive that most people don’t even bother to consider evidence to the contrary, as a common assumption is that corrupt energy companies and conservative political groups are disseminating false information out of greed and malice.

This section directory contains articles that examine each of the major claims about potential detrimental effects related to global warming, including melting ice and sea level issues, storm intensity issues, potential of the spread of disease and human deaths, and plant and animal species extinction.

The findings may surprise you, as most commonly assumed effects of global warming are shown to usually be extremely exaggerated and in many cases completely false.

<em>Section Directory:</em>  Issues with the Science of Global Warming
updated October 13, 2022
Since the introduction of Michael Mann’s “Hockey Stick Curve” in 1998 which inaccurately flattened previously recognized high and low temperature periods of the previous millennium, public fears of global warming have helped to spawn a tremendous scientific industry that has grown around the study of climatology, in particular related to aspects of the potential effects of increasing CO2 on the temperature of the climate.

Much of the sudden surge of global warming research money being poured into the scientific community is originating based on the efforts of powerful and seemingly legitimate political organizations that are actually shown to be depending on fears of impending climatic catastrophe in order to implement legislation that forwards harmful long-term globalist agendas.

This section directory contains articles and video clips that help to describe issues of bias that are common in the scientific community that are used to exaggerate the causes and effects of global warming.

A Summary of the Documentary Video “Global Warming or Global Governence?”
updated October 13, 2022
This article summarizes the documentary video “Global Warming or Global Governance?” by Michael Coffman of Sovereignty International, presenting video segments from the video with descriptions and transcripts where appropriate.

The documentary examines the science and motives behind claims of the effects of global warming being extreme and created mostly by man’s activities, and it shows how such claims are frequently exaggerated for deceptive and dangerous globalist agendas.

October 13, 2022
Running Time: 8 minutes
Farkhunda Malikzada was a 27-year-old Afghan woman who was attacked and killed by a mob in Kabul on March 19, 2015 due to a rumor that she had burned a page of the Quran.  Footage of the attack was captured on cell phone videos by onlookers and the attackers themselves, with the footage then being compiled and published by the New York Times.

[Note: May 30, 2021—  I had originally posted this video on the NOITV video channel, although it was flagged for a copyright violation, so I linked to the official New York Times version, but eventually they took that offline.  I have found this current version on BitChute.]

The following is from Wikipedia:

Farkhunda Malikzada was a 27-year-old Afghan woman who was publicly slain and beaten by a mob in Kabul on March 19, 2015.  A large crowd formed in the streets around Farkhunda when accusers began yelling, announcing her alleged crimes to the public.  They claimed that she had burned the Quran, and for that, her accusers announced that she must pay the ultimate price.

Police initially tried to protect Farkhunda and disperse the crowd, but were overwhelmed by the mob’s numbers and fury.

The mob grabbed Farkhunda, pulled her hair, hit her, spit at her, pushed her to the ground, stomped on her body, kicked her in the head, and ripped the veil from her face.  Police, seeing the urgency of the situation, attempted to remove her from the crowds by climbing atop a shop roof.  Farkhunda was then bashed by someone wielding a large wooden pole while other people from the crowd threw sticks and planks on her.  She slipped down the rooftop and back into the crowd as the person with the wooden pole kept beating her with his weapon.

She was brutally and mercilessly beaten into unconsciousness.  The crowd then dragged her motionless body into the street and ran her over with a car, dragging her some 300 feet.  They then stoned her, set her corpse on fire and watched her body burn.  They used their own clothing articles (e.g. scarves and hats) to keep the fire alight because her own clothing and body were so bloodied that they would not catch fire.

She was murdered after allegedly arguing with a mullah who falsely accused her of burning the Quran.  Police investigations revealed that she had not burned anything.  Her murder led to 49 arrests; three adult men received twenty-year prison sentences, eight other adult males received sixteen year sentences, a minor received a ten-year sentence, and eleven police officers received one-year prison terms for failing to protect Farkhunda.  Her murder and the subsequent protests served to draw attention to women’s rights in Afghanistan.  Six months after her murder women began to build a memorial at the site of her death.  It was unveiled on the anniversary of the crime.

Farkhunda was an observant Muslim who wore a veil (hijab).  At the time of the attack, she had just finished a degree in religious studies and was preparing to take a teaching post.  Her name means “auspicious” and “jubilation.”

Farkhunda had previously been arguing with a mullah named Zainuddin, in front of a mosque where she worked as a religious teacher, about his practice of selling charms at the Shah-Do Shamshira Mosque, the Shrine of the King of Two Swords, a religious shrine in Kabul.  During this argument, Zainuddin reportedly accused her of burning the Quran.  She responded:

“I am a Muslim, and Muslims do not burn the Quran!”

Hundreds of angry civilians flocked to the shrine upon overhearing the mullah’s accusation.  Police arrived and attempted to lead Farkhunda to a local precinct building one mile away, but she refused, asking for a female police officer to accompany her.  The mob was able to drag Farkhunda away into the street where they knocked her to the ground and began beating and kicking her.  More police arrived, firing warning shots into the air and temporarily dispersing the crowd.  They moved her into the shrine in an attempt to shield her.  As the crowd grew in size and rumors that she was working with Americans began circulating, the mob attempted to storm the shrine’s walls.  Police hoisted her onto the roof of the building in an escape attempt, but Farkhunda slipped and fell into the crowd.

The mob dragged Farkhunda into the street and savagely beat and stomped her.  She was bludgeoned with sticks and rocks outside the mosque, then placed into the road and run over with a car, dragging her body 300 feet.  Police offered no resistance, and directed traffic around the scene.  The mob then dragged her body to the nearby bank of the Kabul River, took turns stoning her and set her on fire; her body was soaked in blood and would not burn, so the crowd ripped off articles of their own clothing to ignite and maintain the fire.

Farkhunda’s parents said the killing was instigated by the mullah Farkhunda had been speaking to.  According to Tolo News he loudly accused her of burning the Quran “in order to save his job and life.”   An eyewitness said that the mob was chanting anti-American and anti-democratic slogans while beating Farkhunda.  The mob was captured on video accusing of her of working with Americans, and of being a French embassy worker.

October 11, 2022
 by Edward Ulrich, updated October 5, 2022
Kary Mullis invented the PCR tests that are currently being used to detect COVID, for which he received the Nobel Prize in 1993.  The PCR test works by creating millions of copies of a single DNA molecule in order to test for its presence, however he had previously stated that the test is not effective for detecting viruses.

Mullis was a scientist who was not corrupted by the political Establishment, and he was outspoken about issues such as expressing doubts that HIV actually causes AIDS.  He died in 2019.

In this interview Mullis explains that Anthony Fauci does not adequately understand medicine to be in his position, where his decisions are instead made based on corrupt agendas.  He says in this video, “Tony Fauci does not mind going on television, in front of the people who pay his salary, and lie directly into the camera.”

The PCR test has previously been used to detect HIV, however Mullis had publicly expressed doubts about its effectiveness for such a purpose.  This video shows interviews where he talks about the PCR test, including explaining that it actually does a poor job of detecting viruses.

This article is part of “A Summary of COVID-19 and Related Issues.”

October 5, 2022
 by Edward Ulrich, updated October 5, 2022

In this Infowars video Owen Shroyer explains that large numbers of athletes have been collapsing and sometimes dying due to heart problems over the past year.

[Note— I’ve been hearing of this happening for a while, and at first I was wondering if it could have been some sort of an Establishment media hoax; however the athletes are often seen hitting their heads or faces on the ground in front of large groups of people, so apparently it is real.]

This article is part of “A Summary of COVID-19 and Related Issues.”

October 5, 2022
 by Edward Ulrich, updated October 4, 2022

In 2021 an ex-Freemason Altiyan Childs made this video where he exposes the frightening reality of the secret society of Freemasonry.  He explains that essentially all celebrities and politicians are members of the international cult, how they have taken vows of secrecy under the penalty of death, how the people at the highest levels of the organization worship evil and hate Christianity, as well as their horrifying plans for humanity that they are in the process of carrying out.

In the video Childs explains that since the organization is highly compartmentalized, the lower ranking members are generally not aware of the agendas of its leaders.  People in many types of professions are required to be Freemasons, such as members of many labor unions.

This video is over five hours long, and is it some of the best information that I have seen exposing Freemasonry.  I highly recommend viewing it.

[Note: October 4, 2022— I think Childs’ video is accurate and informative, but I disagree with a few of the points that he made.  For example he briefly criticized Alex Jones, however Jones has disseminated much important information over the years and he has often criticized Freemasonry, such as by frequently interviewing Texe Marrs who was a prominent critic of it.]

October 4, 2022
 by Edward Ulrich, updated October 3, 2022

The inventor of the mRNA vaccines Dr. Robert Malone had issued a video statement in December, 2021, warning that the vaccines are dangerous to children.  The often mandated vaccines are actually not "vaccines" but rather they are a new type of experimental treatment know as "gene therapy."

Following are points from Malone’s statement:

— If a child is vaccinated with an mRNA vaccine, a viral gene will be injected into their cells which can cause permanent damage to their critical organs including their brain, nervous system, heart, blood vessels, reproductive system, and their immune system.

— The damages caused by the vaccines are irreparable and can’t be reversed, such as lesions within their brain, scarring of their heart tissue, damage to their reproductive system, and genetically reseting their immune system.

— The technology still needs to be tested for at least five years. The vaccines being prematurely administered in the manner that they are is one of the most radical medical experiments in human history.

— The reason the health authorities are claiming why children need to be vaccinated is a lie, where children don’t actually represent a danger to their parents or grandparents.  Children would naturally acquire immunity if they got Covid.

— Malone ends his statement by saying the following:

There is no benefit for your children or your family to be vaccinating your children against the small risks of the virus, given the known health risks of the vaccine that as a parent, you and your children may have to live with for the rest of their lives.

The risk / benefit analysis is not even close with this vaccine for children.

As a parent and grandparent, my strong recommendation to you is to resist and fight to protect your children.

This article is part of “A Summary of COVID-19 and Related Issues.”

October 3, 2022
Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement
Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement

This article contains video clips from the Alex Jones documentary film “Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement” that explains the long-term agendas of Establishment groups who secretively control the governments of the world.  It explains how the global political elite is in the process of consolidating the countries of the world into a one world government that is run by unelected private bankers, and it explains their agendas of eugenics and world depopulation through the use of genocidal methods.

  View the entire article >>
   updated October 2, 2022

Article Notes
new: October 2, 2022 - Text in the article has been updated.

Selected content from the article:

An Introduction to Historical Abuses by the Global Elite

Running Time: 15 minutes

This introductory clip from the Alex Jones film “Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement” explains how activities of ruling elite individuals have historically been following an agenda of global domination and consolidation, and it explains how banking cartels such as the Rothschild family in Europe have historically been responsible for starting major wars such as Word War I and World War II for the purpose of war profiteering by means of financing both sides of the conflicts.

How the Bilderberg Group is Secretly Merging the North American Continent

Running Time: 23 minutes

This video clip from the Alex Jones film “Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement” explains how the secretive Bilderberg Group has been using stealth for strategically paving the way for the North American countries to be consolidated by merging the populations, monetary systems, militaries, and highways of the United States, Canada and Mexico.

Battle for the Republic

Running Time: 17 minutes

This video clip from the Alex Jones documentary “Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement” explains the historical corruption of the Mexican government and the modern agendas of the political elite for enticing Latin Americans to migrate into the United States as a part of a strategy of merging the North American continent in a totalitarian system ruled by the global elite.

[Editor’s note: Updated February 24, 2020— Almost all Latin American immigrants are peaceful and they appreciate the opportunity to live in the United States.  However, the nature of how they have been coming is out of control and dangerous.  I believe that immigrants who are already living in the country should be allowed to stay and continue to receive benefits unless they commit crimes, but it is important that all new illegal immigration is stopped through the implementation of effective barriers, enforcement, and the removal of enticements which encourage new migrants to illegally settle in the country.]

October 2, 2022
Chemtrails over the Great Lakes region of the United States
Chemtrails over the Great Lakes region of the United States

This article contains information about the subject of atmospheric chemtrail spraying by making use of video documentaries, timelapse video clips, news reports, audio interviews, and photographs.

View the entire article >>
updated October 13, 2022

Selected information from this article:

Running Time: 4 Minutes

View a variety of timelapse footage of heavy chemtrail spraying over York, Pennsylvania on July 23, 2007.  This clip shows examples of characteristics common with chemtrails, including abruptly broken chemtrail segments, trailing liquid vapors, and resulting chemtrail haze with shadows of new chemtrails on that haze.

Photographs of chemtrail tanks inside of airplanes

[Note: Many pictures exist of chemtrail storage tanks allegedly being inside of planes, but I had previously avoided mentioning it because I didn’t think there was really a way to verify it.]

A “debunking forum” shows pictures of alleged chemtrail tanks inside of airplanes, but it claims such pictures are a hoax, saying that the tanks are only meant to hold water to simulate the planes being filled with a lot of weight:

... then the post goes on to show numerous pictures of what certainly appears to be tanks that are intended to hold substances for spraying.  It doesn’t seem reasonable that such tanks are for “center of gravity testing!”:

Image from Wikipedia.

See the actual forum post to view the rest of the many pictures.

In any event, in the chance that the above pictures are not actually chemtrail tanks, the proof is in the skies above you, such as in the time lapse footage in another section of this article.

October 1, 2022
Dehydrated “kale chips” that are covered in a batter made from sunflower seeds are a great substitute for potato chips.

There are a lot of healthy benefits of eating a raw food diet, which consists primarily of fresh fruits and vegetables that haven’t been cooked.  Such a diet has become popular in recent years, and adherents of it have developed many great recipes that are diverse and delicious enough for such food to be eaten exclusively.

A raw food diet can be helpful for losing weight, but it is delicious and healthy in any case.

Personally I don’t eat raw food exclusively, but I enjoy it along with other types of vegan food.

This article presents some of my favorite raw food related information that I’ve found over the years.  I’ve included videos and other information from well known raw foodists that I’ve found to be particularly interesting and helpful.

View the entire article >>
updated September 30, 2022

Article Notes
new: September 30, 2022 - Updated the text in the article.

September 30, 2022
 by Edward Ulrich, updated September 29, 2022

This is a map of all the river basins in the U.S.  Note the Susquehanna River basin in dark green to the right of the large pink Mississippi basin in the center, and the Colorado River basin in light green along the left edge of the Continental Divide.  [Note: I made this map based on a very detailed river map created by an Imgr user named Fejetlenfej that shows all of the major river basins in the United States.]

This article details issues with the river systems in the United States, and it details a theoretical concept of harvesting river water for irrigating cropland.

View the entire article >>
updated September 29, 2022

Article Notes
new: September 29, 2022 - Updated the text in the article, and added the section “Replacing outdated polluting municipal sewage systems would create jobs and improve the economy.”

Selected content from the article:

Replacing outdated polluting municipal sewage systems would create jobs and improve the economy

A 2015 PBS article explains the issue of the outdated combined sewage system overflows in Pennsylvania, saying that a 2008 EPA survey has estimated that Pennsylvania needs $18 billion for sewer infrastructure work, with $9 billion of it to replace the CSOs.

Even though it would be expensive to replace outdated designs of sewer systems with modern non-polluting types, the implementation of such large scale infrastructure construction projects would be very beneficial for the economy due to the jobs it would create.

Of course $18 billion is a lot of money, but it is money that would be infused into the economy of Pennsylvania and the United States, so it would be a win-win situation for many reasons[Note: Think about the ridiculous amount of money that the Biden administration has been sending to Ukraine— over $50 billion as of September, 2022!  That money won’t be coming back, and it is not even clear if it is really necessary to be sent there or what it is actually being used for.  See this link, this link, and this link about that matter.]

Webster Tarpley’s book “Surviving the Cataclysm” explains why such infastructure projects would kick-start the economy of the United States.  In the book he lists four commonly identified economic policy options, and he explains why the option of extending government credit for the purpose of large scale infastructure improvement projects is the most ideal one.  See this link to that specific section of the following article:

A Summary of the Book ”Surviving the Cataclysm”
updated February 21, 2020
The comprehensive book “Surviving the Cataclysm - Your Guide Through the Greatest Financial Crisis in Human History” by Webster Griffin Tarpley offers an excellent view of the inner workings of the U.S. and world economy that is often concealed by the establishment media, and in the process the book hilights the futility of Barack Obama’s current economic strategies while outlining an effective plan for bringing the world out of its worsening depression and into economic growth and prosperity.

Major topics of the book include the huge economic problems being caused by the existence of toxic “derivative” speculation, as well as policies of the Obama administration wastefully pouring massive amounts of money into failed financial institutions rather than dedicating resources such as low-interest credit to restarting the dying U.S. industrial base for rebuilding the nation’s infrastructure.

September 29, 2022
 by Edward Ulrich, September 28, 2022

Kudzu is a vine that can overtake entire forests if left unchecked.  Image from the United States Department of Agriculture.

The “Kudzu” plant is a vine that grows at an extraordinary rate of almost a foot a day.  It was imported into the U.S. from Japan in the late 1800’s, where it has since turned into an invasive species, becoming known as “The vine that ate the South.”

Growing Kudzu became popular in the U.S. in the early 1900’s for feeding livestock, and it was often planted on roadsides to stop erosion, where it then spread into adjacent forests.  The plant started falling out of favor in the 1950’s when people started to notice that it was growing in an out of control manner.

The plant has amazing characteristics that are very beneficial when it is planted as a crop, but now it is often taboo or even illegal to grow it in some areas due to the issues caused by how it was previously planted.

Kudzu spreads by its vines taking root where they make contact with the ground, where they then grow as their own plant, and it also creates flowers and seeds.  It is a member of the legume family as soybeans are, and it is a “nitrogen-fixing” plant that means it fertilizes the soil as it grows.

This article explains the benefits of growing kudzu as a crop, and why it is ideal for making organic compost.

View the entire article >>
September 28, 2022

September 28, 2022
Rainwater Harvesting in Fields
Captain America will present the capabilities of the mechanisms that are featured in this article.

Many regions of the world have issues with not having enough access to water for being able to effectively grow crops.  For example, in the often dry western and midwestern United States many farmers have been relying on using water from underground wells for irrigation, which is causing many aquifers to dry up from overuse, which in turn is causing many farmers to not be able to grow anything at all.

However, a valuable source of water that is usually thought of as being an impractical option is the capturing of rainwater, which despite being a technology that is thousands of years old, it is mostly only used for gathering relatively small amounts of water.  For example, individuals often collect the rainwater that falls onto the rooftops of their homes, which they use for purposes such as watering their gardens and supplementing their main water supply, with some people also implementing water purification measures that allows them to use it as their primary source of drinking water.

Strangely though, few if any implementations of large scale rainwater collection strategies exist for irrigating crops, despite it theoretically being a viable option that would result in the availability of large amounts of clean water, even in dry regions.

This article explains issues with water shortages in the United States, and it details theoretical concepts of implementing the collection of rainwater that falls on active agricultural fields through the deployment of retractable rainwater collection surfaces during times of rain.

View the entire article >>
updated September 27, 2022

Article Notes
new: September 27, 2022 - Updated the text in the article.

September 27, 2022
 by Edward Ulrich, updated September 27, 2022


Donald Trump had legalized growing hemp nationwide in the U.S. starting in January of 2019, after nearly 50 years of prohibition.  The Hemp Farming Act of 2018 was signed into law on December 20, 2018, being a part of the 2018 Farm Bill.  The act changes the classification of hemp from being a controlled substance to being an agricultural product, and additionally it gives farmers opportunities to receive loans, water rights, and crop insurance for growing hemp.

Hemp being harvested in France.  Image: Wikipedia.

Trump’s new policy will have enormous positive environmental and economic effects, as cutting trees will no longer be necessary for the production of paper and many types of building materials, cotton that is dependent on toxic pesticides will be able to be replaced by hemp for the creation of fabric for clothing, and many foods can be made from hemp as well.

Agricultural hemp does not contain the drug tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) that is contained in marijuana plants, however the fact that it is difficult to distinguish the difference between those plants by appearance has been cited as the reason for outlawing the cultivation of hemp in the past.  Also competing industries such as logging interests have been influential in ensuring that the cultivation of hemp has remained illegal.

This article explains many benefits of the cultivation and use of the hemp plant.

View the entire article >>
updated September 27, 2022

Article Notes
new: September 27, 2022 - Added information about load bearing structures made from hemp.

September 25, 2022 - Updated the text in the article.

Selected content from the article:

This video shows the first “bio-based” pedestrian bridge, which is made in the Netherlands from composites of hemp and flax.  It was made to demonstrate that strong load bearing structures can be constructed from materials made from plant-based fibers such as hemp.

A new type of hemp processing machine may mean the end of cotton cultivation

A new type of machine invented by an Australian named Adrian Clarke is able to process freshly harvested hemp into yarn that can be used in existing cotton spinning machines, which will likely revolutionize textile production around the world.

This 2012 Australian ABC video explains the status of hemp cultivation and legalization in Australia, while also explaining many benefits of the plant.

Following are points from the video’s information (STARTING AT ABOUT 5:30 INTO THE VIDEO) about a NEW INVENTION that revolutionizes the processing of hemp for it to be used in fabrics:

— Hemp was the world’s most used textile fiber until the invention of the cotton gin, and until now the process of separating the bast fiber from the stem of the plant has been expensive and burdened by outdated technology.

— Adrian Clarke of Textiles and Composite Industries: “You cannot do anything with hemp until you have separated the hurd from the fiber.  The fiber is the bark on the outside, the hurd is the woody pith in the middle.”

— Narrator: “Victorian inventor Adrian Clarke is working on a decortication machine which can process hemp in the field.  It produces material that can be adapted to existing cotton spinning technology, and Mr. Clarke says its potential is revolutionary.”

— Clarke: “Theoretically you could cut it today, and be spinning it tomorrow.  And we recover over 90% of the fiber.  But we do it in a way that will spin in cotton machinery.  They are making advances with cotton machinery every day.  Billions of dollars get spent on improving the cotton spinning.  So we link into the most modern technology out of the oldest technology.  We bring more fiber per hectare and we bring a better fiber.  And its not stained, it can be spun and dyed just like cotton.  And most of the goods you’ll see around in the hemp shops is actually a blend of cotton and hemp, so it gets the benefit of both.”

— Narrator: “This particular machine is just a prototype, but its Australian inventor thinks it can revolutionize textile production throughout the world.”

— Clarke also talks about his development of a decortication machine that is small enough to fit inside of a harvesting tractor, which immediately processes the hemp by separating the fiber from the hurd at the moment it is cut in the fields.

This March 2018 video shows the official unveiling of the “D8 Hemp Decorator” by the Australian firm “Textile and Composite Industries.”  The machine is able to perform what is called “green decortication without retting,” which means that it is able to turn freshly harvested hemp plants into yarn that is able to be used in traditional cotton spinning machines by the end of the day, which previously had not been possible.

The machine demonstrated in the above video is designed to process tall healthy hemp plants into yarn that is able to be used in cotton spinning machines, which is an entirely new technology.

Points from the video:

— The machine is designed to process an “ideal crop” of very tall and healthy hemp plants at the moment of being harvested, without the plants needing to be dried first.

— The machine eliminates the need for “retting” the hemp altogether, which is important because retting damages the resulting fibers and the hurd.  [Note: Retting is a process of “controlled rotting,” where the plant is intentionally degraded either by being made to sit in the field for a few weeks after being cut, or through it being soaked in a water or chemical bath.  See a Canadian Hemp Alliance webpage about the process.]  Since the machine doesn’t need to ret the hemp as previous processes do, the resulting fibers are much stronger and are easily able to be used on traditional cotton spinning machines, which was previously not possible with hemp.

— Charles Covis, the international marketing director for the company explains: “The vision of this machine is to harvest this crop in the morning, decorticate it straight away, take the fiber and de-gum it, and turn it into yarn by the end of the day.  From harvest to yarn in one day.  ...  This is ‘green’ decortication which has never been done before.  ...  The idea is to have [no more than] 5% of the hurd in the fiber, and 5% of the fiber in the hurd.  ...  With 5% hurd it is easy to de-gum, after de-gumming it can be cleaned and then spun on standard cotton spinning equipment.

— At 21 minutes into the video, Adrian Clarke, the inventor of the machine and the founder of the company, demonstrates how it works using a bale of dried hemp.

September 25, 2022
 by Edward Ulrich, updated September 20, 2022

“Community Policing” is a strategy to put Marxist Antifa / “Black Lives Matter”-type thugs in charge of overseeing police activity.

In the year 2000, Phillip Worts, a detective for the San Diego Police Department, wrote an essay that details the ongoing agenda of the political Establishment to implement “Community Oriented Policing,” which is actually a plan to turn police officers into Soviet-style Marxist “change agents.”

In the article, Worts first explains a basic history of Marxism and the agenda of implementing it in the U.S., and he then details the writings of the “father of community policing” Robert Trojanowicz which shows that he strategized to intentionally cause “crime, disorder, and fear of crime” in communities in order to create an excuse to implement “community policing.”  Worts then explains how such “community police” are actually playing the role of Marxist facilitators that remove an important previously existing barrier between the increasingly tyrannical government and public citizens.

View the entire article >>
updated September 20, 2022

September 24, 2022
Enter keywords to search articles on News of Interest.TV using the DuckDuckGo search engine.
In this video, activists with the website “Muckraker” speak with Alex Jones about their three month fact-finding mission where they examined a list of the last known addresses of 8,000 illegal immigrant children.
September 28, 2024
This video on the Redacted YouTube channel interviews a former U.S. Air Marshall Sonya LaBasco, who explains an outrageous situation of private airline companies having lucrative contracts with the Biden Administration to fly illegal migrants back home and then bring them back into the U.S., which is being paid for with enormous amounts of taxpayer money.
September 28, 2024
Due to the serious problems New York City has been having with the influx of illegal migrants, the city has been offering to purchase for them one-way tickets to anywhere in the world where they would like to go, which many have been doing.
September 28, 2024
Donald Trump’s running mate J.D. Vance is being criticized in the media for recently making a comment in an interview that seems to be “gaslighting,” however Kamala Harris’ running mate Tim Walz has a shocking corrupt record that most people are not aware of.
updated September 22, 2024
In recent years many Jewish people have been outspoken in support of open borders in Western countries such as in the U.S. and Europe, including supporting importing Islam into those regions, but at the same time those same people have been almost entirely opposed to the concept of open borders being implemented in Israel, despite the fact that the Western countries are ultimately being harmed by their open borders in the same manner that Israeli would be.
September 21, 2024
This article contains videos and articles that explain the issue of thousands of Muslims marching in the UK in response to anti-immigration protesters clashing with police due to a deadly attack that occurred at an elementary school event.
September 21, 2024
This article explains the circumstances of thousands of communication devices such as pagers and walkie-talkies used by the Hezbollah militant group in Lebanon of Syria being reported to be detonated in coordinated attacks.
September 21, 2024
Despite Trump’s great performance in his debate with Kamala Harris, the Establishment media has been attacking him and claiming that Harris won despite the opposite being true.

This article presents a video of the debate while clarifying issues that either Harris or the moderators lied about or the media has been incorrectly attempting to spin about the debate.
updated September 13, 2024
This article details issues of problems that are caused by the open borders of the United States during the Biden Administration, and it explains how both Donald Trump and Kamala Harris would deal with the issue during their administrations.
updated September 15, 2024
This article explains that a historic church in Buffalo, New York was given to a Muslim organization for only $250,000 to be turned into an Islamic “victory mosque.”
September 1, 2024
This article explains that Kamala Harris may win the election simply due to her communicating in a less divisive manner than Trump, despite the fact that her policies are outrageously extreme and dangerous.
updated July 31, 2024
There are essentially three main schools of thought about who “runs the world,” however only one of them is factually accurate.
July 10, 2024
A “conservative revolution” has recently been happening in some parts of Europe with the election of right wing candidates, and the Establishment media has been attempting to create a perception that it is going to cause a “fascist catastrophe,” such as this article does.  However many European politicians that the media are calling “far right extremists” are in fact usually not extreme at all.
July 3, 2024
A new book has been published which is ridiculously claiming that JFK jr. killed himself, his wife, and his wife’s sister by intentionally crashing his plane into the ocean 25 years ago near Jackie Kennedy’s house where he grew up; however much evidence shows that they were actually assassinated by a flight instructor who was also on the plane.
updated July 3, 2024
This article explains that the political Establishment wants people to be confused about the real meanings of the terms “left wing” and “right wing” in order to trick them into enslaving themselves with an oppressive leftist government.
updated June 22, 2024
A 2015 PBS video segment saying that Marseilles, France is now 30-40% Muslim in indicative of the huge problems that Europe is having with out of control immigration.  This article also contains information explaining how Europe is projected to be completely overtaken with Islam within a few decades due to intentionally harmful agendas of the global elite.
updated June 23, 2024
An analysis of a survey published by the journal JAMA Pediatrics is claiming that one in four U.S. adolescents in grades 9 through 12 self-identify as non-heterosexual.  JAMA is a weekly peer-reviewed medical journal that is published by the American Medical Association.
June 20, 2024
This article contains a video and written description of the Israeli “Nuseirat rescue operation” that rescued four hostages while killing over 270 civilians in a densely populated part of Gaza, including many women and children.  It explains that the operation was carried out disguised in humanitarian aid vehicles with the soldiers being dressed in civilian clothes, where rockets were also fired from the air into a crowded marketplace and over 80 civilian buildings, which has been the worst single massacre by Israel so far during the eight month conflict.
June 13, 2024
This video explains recent atrocities that have been occurring in Palestine, where Israel has been indiscriminately targeting thousands of civilians including women and children, using a rationalization of them being “human shields.”
June 13, 2024
This article is a summary of arguments both claiming that Israel is an “apartheid state” and claiming that it is not.  It is mostly a summary of a 2023 Vox article that explains the matter, and I have added additional information and commentary.
June 5, 2024
The terms “red states” and “blue states” had been manipulated by the media to ensure that Democrats are not referred to as “red” in order for people to not associate them with Communism.
May 27, 2024
The media outlet “The Last American Vagabond” has semi-daily reports that are often focused on the Israel-Palestine conflict, where such reports are usually critical of Israel’s actions while also making a good effort to be as fair and unbiased as possible.  This article contains a recent episode which is a good example of the show.
May 25, 2024
Alex Jones explains that the U.S. Congress has passed a law that decrees if people make essentially any sort of criticism of Israel it could result in them being charged with civil rights violations, where simply people’s motivations are criminalized rather than their actions.  The bill makes use of a definition of antisemitism that is based on the whims of an Establishment-associated United Nations NGO group.  The global elite is funding the social unrest that is happening due to the Israel-Palestine war in order to create an excuse to target the American people, where their goal is the further erode the free speech rights of Americans, especially of conservatives.
May 18, 2024
This video explains that while many people in the West are protesting Israel’s actions in Palestine, few people bothered to protest other even more deadly recent conflicts that didn’t involve Jews as the aggressor.
May 15, 2024
A thousand Muslims in Hamburg, Germany rallied in the streets advocating for a Caliphate, while surveys are showing that over half of young Muslims in the country are also in favor of the same thing.  A Caliphate is an Islamic government where religion and the State are the same thing, where oppressive and violent Islamic laws (link) are also the laws of the government.
May 5, 2024
Extreme Pro-Palestinian protests that are occurring on U.S. campuses that often glorify the October 7th attacks on Israel are being funded by George Soros’ Open Society Foundation and the U.S. State Department; and leftist politicians are now advocating to resettle often hostile Palestinians in the United States.
May 3, 2024
This Infowars video explains that crime has skyrocketed in the U.S. despite the Biden administration deceptively attempting to create an impression that it has gone down, through it ceasing to factor in crime reports from the most populated areas such as New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Miami, Baltimore, and Washington D.C.
April 20, 2024
FISA bill
A “FISA” act will soon be voted on in the Senate that contains draconian new provisions requiring the cooperation of commercial landlords and others to engage in warrantless spying on supposedly only non-Americans, however loopholes in the law will allow such spying to be used on U.S. citizens as well.
April 18, 2024
Len Horowitz - A History of US Biological Warfare Research
This video clip from the Len Horowitz film “In Lies We Trust: The CIA, Hollywood, and Bioterrorism” shows the claims of a government sponsored propaganda documentary giving misleading and dishonest information about the United States Government’s involvement in bioterrorism research, and it then explains the genuine history of such programs and shows how they have led to the creation of diseases such as AIDS.
running time 30 minutes
Alex Jones Speaks With Len Horowitz About Issues of the 2009 Swine Flu Outbreak
Alex Jones speaks with Len Horowitz, the author of “Emerging Viruses: AIDS and Ebola— Nature, Accident or Intentional?”, discussing issues during the international outbreak of Swine Flu in 2009.  Horowitz is an authority in the fields of public health, behavioral science, emerging diseases, and natural healing.  Discussed is evidence that the flu outbreak was intentionally created for the purpose of profiting drug companies, empowering globalist agendas, forwarding depopulation agendas, and being used as a “smokescreen” to distract the populace from other issues.
recorded April 29, 2009
running time 45 minutes
Alex Jones Speaks With the Pharmaceutical Industry Activist Rebecca Carley, March 12, 2009
Alex Jones talks with former surgeon and pharmaceutical company abuse activist Rebecca Carley, speaking about many issues associated with the dangers inherent in the use of vaccines.  Topics discussed include the many reasons to believe that the 2009 release of Bird Flu was intentional, legislation currently on the books which allows the U.S. Department of Defense to use unknowing human subjects for testing of biological weapons, ostracisations of doctors who speak out against the pharmaceutical industry, the Obama Administration’s allocation of a half a billion dollars for “genomic programs” which tamper with the human DNA structure, and other issues.
recorded March 12, 2009
running time 50 minutes
”Accidental” Contamination Of Vaccine With Live Avian Flu Virus Virtually Impossible
This article explains the discovery of vaccines being contaminated with the deadly Avian Flu virus being distributed to 18 countries by the American company Baxter, and it details how the circumstances of the contaminations show that it did not happen by accident.
March 5, 2009
An Examination of the Mechanism of Nitriloside Theories In Eliminating Cancer
This article examines aspects of scientific claims making up the theory that Nitrilosides are able to prevent cancerous tumors from forming and are also able to kill cancer cells that already exist.  It presents a summary of the theory of how Nitrilosides eliminate cancer as well as presenting scientific studies which support and also counter the theory.
updated April 2, 2011
A Summary of Long Term Globalist Establishment Agendas of the Global Elite
This article examines long-term “Globalist Establishment” political agendas that have been advancing seamlessly over many decades of presidential administrations.
updated August 31, 2022
Videos Clips From the Documentary “Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement”
This article contains video clips from the Alex Jones documentary film “Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement” that explains the long-term agendas of Establishment groups who secretively control the governments of the world.  It explains how the global political elite is in the process of consolidating the countries of the world into a one world government that is run by unelected private bankers, and it explains their agendas of eugenics and world depopulation through the use of genocidal methods.
updated October 2, 2022
A Summary of Immigration Issues in the United States
Tens of millions of people are living in the United States who are not in the country legally, and they continue to arrive in increasing numbers as the country accomodates them.
updated August 31, 2022
A Summary of the Book “The Shadows of Power: The Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline”
The book The Shadows of Power: The Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline, written by James Perloff in 1988, chronicles American history during most of the 20th century, examining major national and international events occurring during each of the Presidential administrations by focusing on the activities of the Establishment elite running the secretive and powerful political organization the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).
updated February 17, 2020
A Summary of the Book “None Dare Call it Conspiracy”
”None Dare Call it Conspiracy” by Gary Allen and Larry Abraham is a book of great importance, having upset the ruling Western political Establishment by exposing much of their secretive underlying history and agendas that control the political processes of the United States and much of the rest of the world.  The book was light-years ahead of its time when it was published in 1971.  The information in the book is surprising and it can even seem far-fetched to the uninitiated, however the information is accurate and well documented. 

updated September 13, 2022
A Summary of Islam Related Issues
This article is a directory of various Islam related articles that are contained on News of Interest.TV and other websites.  It is continually updated.
updated September 10, 2022
Many Islamic countries outlaw apostasy (abandoning Islam) with the penalty of death
25 Islamic countries have anti-apostasy laws that criminalize leaving the religion of Islam, and many more also have anti-blasphemy laws that criminalize speech or actions that are insulting to the religion.
updated September 13, 2022
A Summary of the Article “Masonic Muslim Brotherhood is the West’s Terror Arm”
This article is a collection of information which explains that the Masonic organization “The Muslim Brotherhood” plays a large part in exploiting Muslims to turn them into unwitting tools of the global elite for causing chaos intended to help bring about the New World Order.
October 27, 2018
A Reexamination of Climate Change Issues
This multi-part summary article examines all aspects of the global warming debate, including scientific claims about the effects of the warming, potential causes of the warming, motives behind global warming legislation, and issues with the media and many Establishment environmental groups.
updated October 14, 2022
<em>Section Directory:</em>  An Examination of the Effects of a Warming Climate
This section directory contains articles that examine each of the major claims about potential detrimental effects related to global warming, including melting ice and sea level issues, storm intensity issues, potential of the spread of disease and human deaths, and plant and animal species extinction.

The findings may surprise you, as most commonly assumed effects of global warming are shown to usually be extremely exaggerated and in many cases completely false.
updated October 13, 2022
<em>Section Directory:</em>  The Politics of Global Warming
This section directory contains articles examining treaties and legislation associated with climate change such as the Kyoto Protocol, “Cap and Trade” legislation, and the 2009 “Framework Convention on Climate Change.”  It is shown that the implementation of such measures are meant to further long-range objectives of global elite individuals and organizations such as the United Nations, while actually having little or nothing to do with helping the environment.
updated October 14, 2022
<em>Section Directory:</em>  Issues with the Science of Global Warming
This section directory contains articles and video clips that help to describe issues of bias that are common in the scientific community that are used to exaggerate the causes and effects of global warming.
updated October 13, 2022
A Summary of the Documentary Video “Global Warming or Global Governence?”
This article summarizes the documentary video “Global Warming or Global Governance?” by Michael Coffman of Sovereignty International, presenting video segments from the video with descriptions and transcripts where appropriate.

The documentary examines the science and motives behind claims of the effects of global warming being extreme and created mostly by man’s activities, and it shows how such claims are frequently exaggerated for deceptive and dangerous globalist agendas.
updated October 13, 2022
“Sterling engine” solar collectors are a most ideal method for harnessing solar energy
“Sterling engine” type solar power generators are the most efficient and inexpensive method for harnessing solar energy, and they have many benefits over centralized large scale solar installations that often cause serious harm to birds.  A powerful personal solar power Sterling engine can easily supply all of the energy that is needed by a home.  This article explains the mechanism of such devices and explains ideal potential implementations of them.
updated September 18, 2022
Solar Power Generating Sterling Engine Demonstration
This video demonstrates a type of solar energy collector called a “Sterling Engine,” which is the most efficient way to generate electricity from the sun.  It works by a reflective parabolic dish concentrating sunlight onto a hydrogen filled engine which contains a piston that is powered by the heat of the concentrated sunlight.
running time 4 minutes
California’s largest solar plant is wasteful and has incinerated as many as 28,000 birds per year over the past eight years
The wasteful and heavily government subsidized Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating Plant which opened in California’s Mojave desert in 2014 has brutally incinerated as many as 28,000 birds per year at the rate of ten per hour, but engineers are claiming that their efforts have supposedly reduced the amount of birds killed to two per hour.  Nonetheless, even if the claim of the kills being reduced is true, it is still too many and the ineffective plant should be shut down.
updated September 16, 2022
A Summary of Flywheel Battery Technologies
Flywheel Batteries are a new and efficient means of storing energy using a mechanical method rather than a chemical one.  They consist of a heavy metal disc floating and spinning on a cushion of magnetism in a vacuum housing as a means of storing and distributing energy.
updated December 20, 2007
A Summary of the Documentary Video “Overview of America”
This video describes aspects of the major types of government and economic systems that exist in the world, and it explains why the system of a capitalistic constitutional republic as outlined in the United States Constitution is preferable to other types of systems.
updated September 17, 2022
A Summary of the Booklet “Restoring the Rights of the States and the People”
The 38 page booklet “Restoring the Rights of the States and the People” explains how the political system of the United States has migrated away from following the structure that has been specified in the U.S. Constitution, and it explains how elements of the current political system could be moved toward being restored to their original Constitutional principals.
updated September 23, 2022 advocates for eliminating the use of electronic voting machines
A website has been launched for, an organization that advocates for eliminating the use of electronic voting machines along with federalizing the standard of how votes are cast and counted to ensure the use of one foolproof voting method in all states.
updated September 15, 2022
Hacking Democracy - Hacking Votes Using Only a Memory Card
With Diebold voting machines, every vote is stored on a memory card along with additional computer code.  This video clip from the HBO special “Hacking Democracy” shows how an election can be altered through a person only having access to a memory card.  The video shows how the hack works even with Diebold machines that only tabulate paper ballots, and how it is impossible to detect the fraud once it has happened.
running time 8 minutes
A Summary of Widespread Aerosol Chemtrail Spraying
This article contains information about the subject of atmospheric chemtrail spraying by making use of video documentaries, timelapse video clips, news reports, audio interviews, and photographs.
updated October 13, 2022
Aerosol Crimes (aka Chemtrials)
This documentary film created by Clifford Carnicom details evidence of chemtrail spraying operations, explains grass-roots attempts of discovering what is being sprayed, and it explains numerous reasons the government may have for engaging in such operations.  This is an abbreviated version of the film.
running time 40 Minutes
Timelapse Video of Chemtrail Spraying over Pennsylvania, July 23, 2007
View a variety of timelapse footage of heavy chemtrail spraying over York, Pennsylvania on July 23, 2007.  This clip shows examples of characteristics common with chemtrails, including abruptly broken chemtrail segments, trailing liquid vapors, and resulting chemtrail haze with shadows of new chemtrails on that haze.
running time 4 Minutes
Creating Political Change Through Communication and Legislation
This article examines each of the steps in a problem solving process for peacefully creating political change in the United States through the use of communication and legislation— by using a process of defining a political problem, then defining a goal state with the problem eliminated, and then finding the most efficient processes of communication for reaching the goal state through the use of the legislative process.
updated September 23, 2022
Deriving the Most Effective Activist Communication for Creating Political Change
This article is a study of potential types of politically motivated communication styles and the practical voting results arising due to such communication, by means of graphing theoretical voting results.

Communication style can be “communicative” to win the support of those being communicated with, or “solidifying” which entrenches people’s opinions on both sides of an issue.  This article describes aspects of the two styles and conducts a theoretical study of the practical voting results of the styles being used against each other.  It is shown by graphing theoretical voting results that effective “communicative” style will always trump the effects of “solidifying” style.
updated February 18, 2020
Media Bias Effecting Awareness of Important Issues
This summary article explains why most media outlets don’t accurately report information about important political realities.  Topics include explaining who the people are that most control the media, as well as their reasons, means, and methods of controlling it.
updated March 1, 2020
A Summary of the Documentary Video ”Behind the Big News”
The Documentary “Behind the Big News” examines issues of corruption in the mainstream media of the United States, explaining how the powerful and secretive Establishment group The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) has had a tremendous influence in biasing news that all mainstream media outlets disseminate.  Conflicts of interest exist due to the fact the most major figures in the media are members of the CFR, which is also the most influential organization in formulating the foreign policy of the United States.  The CFR has agendas of perpetuating globalist agendas which are often deceptive and little understood by the general public, and it often makes use of its control over the media in order to generate uncritical support for such agendas.
updated February 28, 2020
Behind the Big News: Infiltration of the Anti-WTO Movement
This video clip from the documentary “Behind the Big News” explains Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) connections to the anti-WTO movement which are meant to ensure continued propagation of globalist agendas.
running time 6 minutes, 30 seconds
Seattle WTO Riots: Problem, Reaction, Solution
This video compilation from the Alex Jones documentary Police State II: The Takeover shows how demonstrations at the 1999 World Trade Organization (WTO) meetings in Seattle during the Clinton Adminstration were infiltrated by violent provocateurs sent by government groups in order to give law enforcement personnel an excuse to attack and suppress the peaceful legitimate protesters.

Video of the violence perpetrated by the group of over 30 government sponsored provocateurs is shown, followed by evidence including local news reports that shows how the group was housed and protected by law enforcement officials during the week of the demonstrations.
running time 10 minutes
Deception at the Million Mom March
This video clip from the documentary “Behind the Big News” explains how a publicity stunt created by gun disarmament advocates for an event called the “Million Mom March” used deceptive techniques for creating an illusion in the media of having more popular support than it actually had.
running time 3 minutes
<i>HEMP! HEMP! HOORAY!</i> — Growing Hemp is now legal in the United States

This article explains many benefits of the cultivation and use of the hemp plant.
updated September 27, 2022
Concepts for Harvesting Rainwater Over Active Agricultural Fields
This article explains issues with water shortages in the United States, and it details theoretical concepts of facilitating the collection of rainwater that falls on active agricultural fields through the deployment of retractable rainwater collection surfaces during times of rain.
updated September 27, 2022
Issues With River Systems in the United States
This article details issues with the river systems in the United States, and it details a theoretical concept of harvesting river water for irrigating cropland.
updated September 29, 2022
Alex Jones Speaks With Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag, July 2, 2009
Stars of the MTV Television show “The Hills” Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag speak with Alex Jones, explaining how they have recently woken up to many of the realities of the New World Order which Alex speaks about on his show and in his documentary films.
recorded July 2, 2009
running time 25 minutes
Tony Robbins Quotes
“If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.”  View quotes by the self-improvement guru Tony Robbins.
You Are Beautiful!
View images of works from the Chicago Based Graffiti Group You Are Beautiful, taken from their website.
updated June 8, 2007

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