News of Interest.TV

Various News: May 21, 2024 [Newly Updated May 27, 2024]


[New Note: May 27, 2024— I should note that I’ve always thought the “You Can’t Stop Progress” show is important, I didn’t meant to insult it or the people who make it.  Personally I agree with the choices of most of the clips but every now and then there are some that I don’t agree with, but that is just my opinion.

I don’t know what they think about my past commentary about it, but I’m assuming they are established and self-assured so it didn’t really matter to them either way, or likewise if I linked to them or not.  Also I was figuring that I was still sending traffic to them even if I criticize them since controversy creates interest.

From now on I’ll just put a disclaimer saying the content is not for kids and I don’t necessarily agree will all of the clips.]


[Note this is a rather lengthy article that contains links from the previous week, and some sections contain links from the first half of the year where they are labeled as such.]


Paul Joseph Watson explains the situation of two homosexuals adopting very unlucky surrogate babies  (link) — [This is not an isolated incident.  It is a good example of why my organizations are going to advocate to repeal gay marriage laws.

I recommend watching the weekly episodes of the “You Can’t Stop Progress” channel on Bitchute or Odysee, which is mostly an accumulation of videos that dysfunctional leftists have posted on social media platforms such as YouTube and TikTok.  (I wish the episodes of YCSP were more abbreviated however, such as 30 minutes or so per week rather than a few hours.  I often find it to be too much to sit through because the subject matter is so depressing.)]

See an HIV+ transvestite “breastfeeding” a baby with chemically-induced chest secretions with the help of a medical clinic  (link)

People who undergo gender-reassignment surgery have a 12x increased risk of suicide  (link)

A federal court on Wednesday upheld a Maryland school district’s policy that does not allow parents to opt their K-5 children out of its gender identity and sexuality curriculum  (link) — “[The] majority opinion [stated] that parents did not present enough evidence to show that the policy violates the free exercise of their religion and their due process right to direct their children’s education.”

Eighteen states are suing the Biden administration over transgender workplace mandates  (link)

NBC has released a television series about homosexual animals  (link)

Biden has announced a plan to fight global “biphobia”  (link)

A new Mississippi law requires public school students to use facilities that correspond with their actual gender  (link)

PJW video: A “non-binary” woman has two transgender boyfriends and two “non-binary children”  (link)

Trump is vowing to overturn Biden’s title IX rewrite that now allows males to go into female locker rooms  (link) — [Trump is preferable, but even his polices about such matter are too liberal.  I prefer Desantis’ policies about those types of topics instead.]

Peru’s government has officially classified trans, nonbinary, and intersex as ‘mentally ill’ people  (link)

“Mapping the quiet rise of homo-Marxist power within US conservatism”  (link) — [It is crazy how the conservative media and also many churches have betrayed their base with this issue.]

A leaked Antony Blinken memo shows the grip that gender ideology has on the US government  (link)

An Illinois bill would deem parents ‘child abusers’ for opposing transgender ‘care’ and abortion for their children  (link)

Poland is now considering allowing transvestites in its army  (link) — [Even Poland has now collapsed to the leftist onslaught under its new Establishment Prime Minister Donald Tusk.]



An underage girl who was trafficked over the border was rescued in California after months of sex abuse  (link)

A 26 year old woman was rescued from a “rape dungeon on wheels” in a remote part of San Gabriel Mountains in California  (link)

There have been more than 1.6 million known “gotaways” of illegal immigrants in the U.S. in the past three years, not counting the ones not known and the massive amounts that have been processed and allowed into the country to await their trials  (link) — [It is disturbing that for some reason they thought that they needed to sneak into the country rather than be processed and receive welfare benefits.]

More than 50 cases of measles has been reported in a Chicago migrant shelter, with more than 80% being Venezuelans  (link)

A Muslim illegal alien border crosser attempted to force his way onto the Quantico U.S. Marine Corps Base near Washington D.C., and most news outlets are not reporting about it  (link)

Chinese illegal aliens are fraudulently driving for “UberEats” and “DoorDash”, where they rent accounts from legitimate drivers and take 85% of the profit, with the remaining 15% going to the account owners  (link) — [Certainly those services should show the customers a picture of the person who should actually be bringing their food!]

American taxpayers have given more than $350,000 to a mosque in Michigan that has eulogized a member of a terrorist organization that has killed hundreds of U.S. citizens  (link)

World View Weekend Video: “Hamas in America: How Terrorists Infiltrated The U.S, Their Plans and Allies (Part One)”  (link) — [This video was created in 2019, and the danger is now even more heightened due to Biden’s policies.]

148 Democrats voted against a bill to deport immigrants who attack police  (link)

See exclusive footage of illegals getting dumped in Arizona  (link)

See footage of the immigration invasion at Arizona’s infamous “Mariposa Slab”  (link)

A nine-year-old girl in Minnesota was attacked by a group of girls a school playground because “she wasn’t Muslim”  (link)

A student at the Philadelphia Leaders Academy praised Jihad and martyrdom at a school event  (link)

Census data shows that only 46% of new migrants are working  (link)

The total number of illegal aliens who entered us under Joe Biden is more than the population of 35 states  (link)



(The following information in this section is U.S. immigration related articles from the previous months of this year.)

Welfare for migrants ensures that the border crisis will continue  (link)

Biden’s secret border deal with Mexico could leave the border open for years  (link)

Tens of thousands of illegal Chinese migrants have been detained at U.S. border in a major national security threat  (link)

A U.S. general is sounding an alarm about Chinese border crossers: “They are coming here to kill us”  (link)

Watch a mob of Chinese men invading California  (link)

A new bill would allow California universities and community colleges to hire undocumented students  (link)

Pimps are controlling San Diego neighborhoods while residents fear speaking out amid the brazen prostitution  (link)

A mom whose daughter was allegedly killed by a migrant MS-13 member is suing the DHS for $100M  (link)

The Senate’s border deal will also legalize all of the Afghans that Biden recently brought to U.S.  (link) — [See this information about the shocking situation of the Afghan migrants who were selected by the Taliban at the Kabul airport.]

A Tweet by Elon Musk: “A few other things you probably don’t know: illegals in America can get bank loans, mortgages, insurance, driver’s licenses, free healthcare (California & New York) and in-state college tuition.” (link)

75% of House Democrats voted against deporting criminal migrants who commit social security fraud  (link)

150 House Democrats voted against a bill to deport illegal alien drunk drivers  (link)

NYC has launched a $53M program to issue pre-paid credit cards to illegal migrant families  (link)

Elon Musk hit out at Biden’s call for a border deal: “No laws need to be passed”  (link)

Delta, American Airlines, and other airlines are flying whole planes full of migrants all over United States  (link)

A Chicago alderman is saying the Biden admin is letting in asylum seekers under false pretenses with court dates in a decade  (link)

A RINO Republican California congressman Kevin Mccarthy is saying Republicans are “too white” and Democrats “actually look like America”  (link)

The Dearborn, Michigan mayor is claiming that exposing support for Hamas is “Islamophobic”  (link)

The Dearborn Mayor has ramped up security after his city has been dubbed “America’s Jihad capital”; he is whining about “Islamophobic rhetoric”  (link)

A Muslim cleric in Brooklyn is saying that children should be taught to “Hate everything about Kufr: dress, manners, everything”  (link)

Boston’s first Muslim city councilor cavorted with extremists at an Islamist Gala  (link)



Elon Musk is predicting a human city on Mars within 30 years  (link) — [It will be interesting when they go to Mars, but that planet can’t actually be terraformed because its molten core has mostly solidified a long time ago which has caused its magnetosphere to mostly disappear, which in turn had caused its atmosphere to drift away into space, and the same would also happen to any atmosphere that would be artificially created.  Also the fact that there is no magnetosphere leaves the planet exposed to deadly solar radiation, unlike on Earth where such radiation is shielded by the Van Allen Belt that harmlessly converts it into the Northern Lights.

Therefore, there really isn’t much of a possibility of large scale habitation of Mars, since everything on the planet would need to happen inside of heavy duty sealed structures rather than outside.  I think people who live there would be miserable after the novelty of being on Mars wears off.

I saw an interesting documentary in the early 2000’s called “Magnetic Storm” (link and link) that explains all of those issues, however apparently it is not available to stream anymore in favor of newer documentaries that are advocating to go to Mars.  (The documentary primarily talks about the fact that the polarity of the Earth is going to “reverse” within the next millennia, which will likely cause serious challenges for humanity.)

The Earth is the only viable option for habitation in the Universe.  See the video “The Privileged Planet” that explains the amazingly finely tuned array of circumstances of the Earth which proves it all couldn’t have just happened by accident.]

A pro-lifer Joan Andrews Bell was sentenced to 27 months in jail for blocking the entrance to an abortion clinic  (link) — [Meanwhile leftists are allowed to go free after blocking roads that emergency vehicles depend on, and BLM rioters are given $10k each for simply being arrested in NYC.]

The University of North Carolina is appropriately diverting $2.3 from DEI programs to campus policing  (link)

The American Medical Association is saying that the body mass index (BMI) method for calculating a person’s ideal weight is racist  (link) — [They are saying that using the system of dividing someone’s height by their weight to determine if they are is obese is ”racist.”  I remember seeing Oprah Winfrey attempting to make that claim as well.]

See a video ridiculously attempt to portray McDonalds TV commercials from the 70’s as being racist  (link) — [Those commercials are certainly not racist, such as the first one shown starting at 2:50.  Other videos on that channel are also “woke” B.S.]

The Judicial Watch organization is suing California to remove ineligible registrants from voter rolls  (link)

The Chicago DA is now saying that illegal guns, drugs and stolen property that are discovered during routine traffic stops will not be treated as offenses  (link)

The Biden regime has removed Cuba from the list of terror supporting states despite its Hamas ties  (link) — [Cuba and Castro have always been covertly controlled by the political Establishment, even during the Cuban Missile Crisis in the 1960’s.  See this link and this link.]

A national mental health survey is not even asking about prescribed psychiatric drugs  (link)

Daniel Perry was pardoned in Texas for shooting a BLM rioter who pointed an AK-47 gun at him  (link) — [I’m a staunch gun rights advocate, but I usually don’t agree with “open carry” legislation which leads to such circumstances at protests.]

See a terrifying moment when a family comes face-to-face with a mountain lion in Washington State that was hunting its pets  (link) — [I never used to hear about so many of such attacks when I was younger, such animals are often being “rewilded” into areas that they had been driven out of decades ago.]

An attacker was stabbed multiple times by a couple in NYC who was walking their dog  (link)

A teen who was accused of firing 26 shots from an AR-15 at a car has been released on bail by a “woke” judge  (link)

The “woke” Vermont legislature passed a “climate superfund act”  (link)

Joe Biden is saying he is putting off banning menthol cigarettes until after the election  (link)

A California neighborhood has become the first to ban unsupervised Airbnbs amid wild parties and violence  (link)



(Note the following articles in this section are from the first half of his year.)

A Canadian “online hate” bill contains $70K fines for speech and life imprisonment for hate crimes  (link)

See a University of Southern California Black History Month speaker go on an unhinged racist rant: “Whites are psychopaths”  (link) — [There wasn’t much of a response to what he was saying, but some did seem to verbally agree.  In any event the audience didn’t boo him or yell out corrections to his statements, as I think a conservative audience would have done to a white supremacist making similar types of statements about black people.]

Canada’s University of Waterloo is offering a blacks-only swim hour  (link)

Student grades got even worse after a California school spent $250,000 on a “woke kindergarten” program  (link)

The South Dakota governor Kristi Noem has signed the “strongest” hate crime bill in America to “stop antisemitism”  (link)

The University of Florida has terminated all DEI employees to comply with a law signed by DeSantis  (link)

An MSNBC pundit thought that only “Christian nationalists” think that American’s rights come from God, despite the fact that our system of government is based on that  (link) — [See this video which explain that the U.S. government is based on the concept of “God giving us our rights” where the role of government is to protect those rights, as opposed to tyrannical types of governments such as communism that claim that they give the rights to their citizens.]

FAA officials are discussing plans to reduce the number of white males in aviation  (link)

A ridiculous Super Bowl commercial is promoting doormat Christianity: “Shut up and wash some feet!”  (link)

A Texas Attorney has been sentenced to six months behind bars for poisoning his pregnant wife’s drinks with abortion pills  (link) — [I speculated about the danger of that happening in this article due to the fact that it is no longer required to take such pills in a the presence of a doctor, but rather the pills can now be mailed to anybody who requests them after they have an online interview.]

A “good guy with a gun” shot and killed someone who was trying to rob someone at a Huston, Texas gas station  (link)

Biden has not been fulfilling his mandate to track foreign ownership of US farmland  (link)

Ohio and Indiana will be implementing automated driverless semi trucks on I-70 to supposedly cope with a “truck driver shortage”  (link) — “DriveOhio has announced a four-year-long, $8 million dollar plan to bring automated semi trucks to Ohio roads. … The automated semis will reportedly begin on a 166-mile stretch of I-70 between Indianapolis and Columbus, which has been dubbed the ‘Automation Corridor.’”

“‘The goal of this project is to examine how this technology might be able to scale in the future to potentially address the truck driver shortage that we’re seeing and how we might be able to use technology to kind of fill that worker gap,’ DriveOhio spokesperson Breanna Badanes said.”

Small pickup trucks can’t be purchased in the U.S. anymore due to bureaucratic EPA regulations that incentivize only large trucks and SUVs  (link)

The U.N is Stealing Land: UNDRIP is a MASSIVE land grab masquerading as restitutions for Native Americans  (link) — “The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples was established in 2007 as a way to use the idea of giving ‘restitutions’ to the natives as a means of taking over the land in Canada and around the world.”



Sweden is (claiming) that it wants to cut back the out-of-control Muslim immigration that has been happening there  (link) — [Also see this PJW video from six years ago that explains the problems the country has been having.]

A statue of the Virgin Mary has been beheaded and a fire set in the Sainte-Thérèse Church in Poitiers, France  (link)

The European Commission shut down Gert Wilders’ plan to opt out of EU migration pact  (link) — [I’m somewhat skeptical about the hype around Gert Wilders.  Nothing significant can happen in the Netherlands until it is out of the European Union, which I think should be Wilders’ primary goal.  All Europeans should be better informed about how contrary the organization is to their interests, as this documentary explains.  Also people need to be more aware of Freemasonry being a significant source of their problems.]

A body was found in a suitcase in France, with a Qur’an open to the first page found close to it  (link)

A man threw a molotov cocktail into a synagogue in France, and he threatened cops with a knife and an iron bar  (link)

Vandalism was discovered once again in a French cemetery, where 82 graves had been defaced with ‘Kuffār’, ‘Zionist’, ‘Jew’, and ‘Allah’  (link)

A massive manhunt in France is underway after a deadly prison break (link)

German Muslims are once again advocating for an Islamic State in Hamburg  (link) — [See this article explaining a recent similar previous demonstration.]

German trains are turning into no-go zones as violence and sex crimes are soaring  (link)

A Congolese migrant who was dubbed a ‘poster boy for integration’ was jailed in Germany for raping his own mother  (link)

Australia just passed its draconian Digital Identity Bill into law which is similar to Iceland’s  (link) — “[In Iceland] you can’t get power turned on, get a phone number, buy or register a car, rent or buy a house, or even buy certain items without having a kennitala or digital ID. … The Icelandic government and tax office has access to my bank accounts and knows every transaction I make, what I spend, and what I earn.  They don't need a warrant, or anything else to access it.”

The EU wants to make criticism of migration a criminal offense  (link)

A migrant knifeman was arrested after six were injured in a Swiss stabbing spree; a pregnant woman was among the victims  (link)

In the latest EU Migration Pact, the EU will levy a fine of 20,000 euros for every potential migrant that a member state refuses to allow into its county  (link)

See videos showing the current situations around “multicultural” Europe  (link)

A mass brawl and machete attack took place in the only “weapon ban” zone in entire German state of Saxony  (link) — [Also see this PJW video about that matter.]

A Hezbollah Leader is threatening to “open the sea” to flood Europe with migrants  (link)

“Migrant” criminals rule trains in the German State of Thuringia  (link)

Canadian taxpayers are footing the bill for Islamist activism in their country via their federal, provincial, and municipal governments  (link)

A new German Islamist party that is close to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has obtained authorization to participate in upcoming elections for the European Parliament from Germany’s Federal Election Committee  (link)

A brigade of “blasphemy bullies” are radicalizing Muslims in the United Kingdom  (link)

The Germans are now conceding that they have not been able to successfully integrate millions of Muslims  (link)

A former French intelligence officer is warning about the catastrophic Islamization of European societies  (link)

A 14 year old Belgium girl was “loaned out” for sex assaults by her boyfriend on multiple occasions, where she was gang-raped by up to ten kids aged 11-16 where the attacks were filmed on their phones  (link)

French police officers were doused with gasoline by a 40-strong migrant group that was headed for Britain  (link)

A sex attacker in Germany tried to grope a female train passenger, but he then lost his arm when a tram hit him during a scuffle with a crowd that came to her aid  (link)

Hamas supporters in Greece hunted down Jewish Israeli tourists and tried to breach their hotel  (link)

PJW video: “When Diversity Goes Wrong”  (link)

A video shows a Canadian Jewish teen being pummeled by a classmate in an alleged antisemitic attack  (link)

See an infomercial criticizing multicultural Sweden  (link)



(This section contains articles about European immigration issues from the first half of this year. Note it is not a comprehensive list of attacks that have happened during that time however.)

“Austria brothel knife massacre: Witness ‘locked herself inside room where she heard three people stabbed to death’ as police investigate five killings in day of brutal bloodshed”  (link)

A globalist Donald Tusk has returned as the Polish PM, vowing to “chase away evil” of years of right-populist rule  (link) — [What a tragedy, Poland was one of the last strongholds against the leftist onslaught in Europe.  I think it likely occurred due to the implementation of fraudulent voting machines.]

An Iranian Muslim was shot after taking 15 hostages on a Swiss train  (link)

A 13-year-old girl was gang-raped by mob of Egyptians in front of her boyfriend in Italy  (link)

An OAN interview with Raymond Ibrahim: The name “Muhammad” is taking over the world  (link)

Canada has opened its doors to Gaza refugees, despite 72% of them supporting Hamas  (link)

The Welsh government has been pimping teenage girls on video in order to attract Muslim migrants  (link)

An antisemitic Muslim cab driver in Paris: “I won’t take you, you dirty Jew”  (link)

The gang that launched a savage knife attack at a French village’s winter ball killing a 16 year old boy and injuring 17 others told guests, “We are here to stab white people” before their rampage  (link)

“We came to kill White people”— Nine Muslims have been arrested for the murder of a French teen in a mass stabbing attack  (link)



We are again being told by the media that Israel’s war in Gaza is going to prompt aggrieved Muslims in the world to resort to terrorism, since it is “the weapon of the weak”  (link)

The U.S. House rebuked Biden and voted to force weapons shipments to Israel  (link)

A video shows a man brutally kicking and beating Orthodox Jewish kids playing on a NYC sidewalk  (link)

Colleges are rushing to cut deals with Hamas supporters as the semester ends  (link)

Some colleges have surrendered to the anti-Israel protesters  (link)

UCLA has silenced the anti-islamization activist Robert Spencer  (link)

The hidden hand behind protests on campuses: Who… and why?  (link)



An Egyptian filmmaker Raouf Zaki has announced he is making a movie about the 21 Coptic Christians who were ritually decapitated by ISIS terrorists in Libya in 2015  (link)

A Muslim kidnapped a Christian woman in Egypt, then sent her father a certificate of her conversion to Islam  (link)

A Hindu woman in Bangladesh was sentenced to five years in prison for insulting Muhammad on Facebook; she says her account was hacked  (link)

A Muslim in India murdered his 18-year-old daughter by slicing her neck for having a boyfriend  (link)

Sharia police beat a little girl for wearing a short-sleeved t-shirt in the Islamic Republic of Iran  (link)

A Muslim pushed a Christian employee into a chaff cutter in Pakistan, tearing off her ear; she has been denied justice  (link)

A Muslim pushed a Hindu minor in front of a train in India, where she was cut in two and died  (link)

Muslims attacked Catholic students with knives in Indonesia  (link)

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