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Thousands of Muslims recently marched through the streets in Birmingham, UK, while British people have been jailed for criticizing them

 by Edward Ulrich, September 21, 2024

This video explains the situation of thousands of Muslims recently marching through the streets of Birmingham, UK, while British patriots have been jailed for criticizing them.

[Apparently the video is speaking about an August 19 march that was held to protest anti-immigration protesters clashing with police after a 17-year-old son of a Rwandan migrant family stabbed three elementary school girls to death and critically injured five others at a Taylor Swift-themed event. (link)  Note also that the perpetrator might in fact actually be a Muslim despite the media attempting to deny it and shame the protesters for making that assumption, as this article explains.

I think the best way to fix such problems is for more people to be made aware of the serious but little understood issues with Islam (link), new migrants should not be allowed to come into the country where they would not receive benefits and be aggressively deported if they try, migrants who commit crimes should be deported after they serve their prison sentences, prison sentences for crimes should be increased in Europe, and more people including politicians should stress the importance of native Europeans having larger families due to their rapidly declining birth rates.]

This video explains that large Islamic advertisements and “woke” messages are being plastered over iconic British landmarks, and it also explains issues with the tyrannical UK government attempting to outlaw cigarettes in the country.

This Raymond Ibrahim article details issues with the situation of the marchers in Birmingham, where it also explains a phenomenon known as “ribat” that is in the process of occurring where Jihadists set up a permanent enclave in order to eventually overtake an area.  It is explained that the difference between what has historically happened with that and what is happening now is the fact that Europe’s ruling class are doing everything that they can to enable it.

[Note that the British mainstream media usually refers to the Muslims in their country as “Asians” rather than “Middle Easterners,” where while it is sometimes technically correct it lumps them in with East Asians who of course don’t really have any cultural similarities with Middle Easterners.  Since the rapidly proliferating Muslim populations in the UK and Europe are something that is being engineered by the political Establishment (link, and link), I believe them being referred to as “Asians” is a form of doublespeak whose use has been encouraged by the global elite though their control of the media.

See this video and this article for details about how the media in the U.S. is controlled by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), whereas the British equivalent of it is the “Royal Institute of International Affairs.”  Also see this article for an example of how the BBC is controlled by the political Establishment.]
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