Some conservative parties in Europe are gaining power, causing leftists to riot
by Edward Ulrich, July 3, 2024

Image from Wikipedia.
A “conservative revolution” has recently been happening in some parts of Europe with the election of right wing candidates, and the Establishment media has been attempting to create a perception that it is going to cause a “fascist catastrophe,” such as this article does. However many European politicians that the media are calling “far right extremists” are in fact usually not extreme at all.
It is possible that the right wing party of the conservative politician Marine Le Pen might be voted into power in an election in France on Sunday, where she has some beneficial platforms such as reducing the amount of immigration, ending the policy of birthright citizenship for illegal migrants, and creating a “national preference” for French citizens in social housing and welfare programs.
Europe has been having terrible problems due to the out of control Islamic immigration that has been happening on that continent (link), which most non-Europeans are unaware of due to a media blackout about that topic. (link)
However Le Pen doesn’t really go far enough with her platform, where for example she isn’t advocating to get France out of the European Union, and she is essentially a social liberal with her stances on issues such as homosexuality and abortion. Also she is a strong supporter of Israel despite the fact that the country boycotts many of the supposed “far-right” European parties due to being criticized by them. (link)
Additionally I believe that France should eliminate the “Burka Bans” that it has in place since they are contrary to the rights that Western countries supposedly allow their citizens, but more significantly they should be eliminated because such bans are concealing the problem of the encroachment of Islam that is happening in the country.
The speculation about the election of Le Pen’s party is eliciting a violent response from migrants and leftists in general, such as a group of 20 popular French rappers who collaborated on a track calling Le Pen a “whore” and “a dog in heat who should be beat with a stick,” and they threatened the life of the National Party leader Jordan Bardella while also singing, “If the fascists come by, I’m going out with a big caliber.” This is a good example of how it is much easier to not allow immigration problems to occur in the first place rather than trying to fix them later.
Additionally large mobs of leftists rioted in France when news broke of Le Pen’s party taking the lead in the election, as this article explains.
(Also remember that Europeans are in danger because they are not allowed to carry guns to protect themselves from being attacked by non-law abiding people. See this link which explains that no civilians are allowed to carry weapons in public places in France, where instead they are required to rely only on “woke” Establishment police officers to protect them.)
Most Europeans are actually naive about politics, and they also often have a neurosis about appearing to be some sort of a “bigot,” which the political Establishment exploits in order to further their harmful goals of destroying Europe as a part of its plan for a totalitarian New World Order. (link and link )
The political Establishment is afraid of Europeans becoming aware of what the terms “left wing” and “right wing” actually mean (link), so they have been doing everything that they can to create a perception that “right wing” means “racism and bigotry,” such as through being deceptive in their media reports and by implementing controlled opposition activist groups (link) who intentionally destroy their own credibility such as by proclaiming that they “like Hitler and Nazis,” etc.
The political Establishment also lied to Europeans about the nature of the migrants that they have been bringing in, such as through the ex-Catholic Nun Karen Armstrong who disseminated incredibly dishonest claims about Islam to Western audiences through the Establishment media over the past few decades. For example she ridiculously claimed that Islam is no more oppressive or violent than Christianity, among many other deceptions. See this article explaining a summary of issues with her, and see this information about other issues of Establishment disinformation about Islam.
In order to counter the harmful agendas that are being implemented by the political Establishment, it is important that the following must happen:
— Europeans need to understand that the European Union is deceptively “anti-Democratic” and every European country should remove themselves from their involvement with it. (link)
— People need to become informed about what the phrases “left wing” and “right wing” actually mean. (link)
— People need to be more aware of the corrupting influence of Freemasonry in politics and the media. (link and link)
— People need to be aware of the dangers of controlled opposition activist groups. (link, link, and link)
— People need to become more aware of the harmful aspects of Islam. (link and link)
— People need to become more aware of who the global elite are and what their agendas are. (link and link)
— People need to understand that all electronic vote counting is potentially fraudulent, including the electronic counting of paper ballots. (link)