RFK jr. should disavow his supposed associations with a Hitler-praising apparently controlled opposition activist
by Edward Ulrich, updated November 12, 2024

[Note: November 12, 2024— I have added additional information to the Illuminati summary article about Hitler being a Freemason.]
I usually look at a list of leftist websites in my daily routine to see what the political Establishment is up to with its disinformation agendas, and every now and then I also find some information that is actually useful.
For example I think the George Soros-funded “Media Matters” news outlet is reprehensible for its disinformation, where when it is not actually lying it often bends over backwards to exaggerate or present information out of context. But nonetheless I happened to see this article which explains that RFK jr. is friends with an activist Charlene Bollinger who has endorsed Twitter threads by a pro-Hitler organization among other issues.
The article explains that Bollinger has endorsed threads that praise Adolph Hitler, she has made extreme antisemitic comments, and “[she and her husband] have also promoted QAnon and conspiracy theories about vaccines, cancer prevention, 9/11, and the 2020 presidential election.”
There is nothing wrong with criticizing Zionism or Judaism or speaking about most of those other issues, but of course that doesn’t mean praising Hitler is acceptable, where I think it should always be considered to be a third rail that nullifies the legitimacy of any activist who does it.
Of course no reasonable person would think that Kennedy would knowingly support a Hitler supporter. I’m sure that he is a busy person and he simply wasn’t aware of the issues with Bollinger due to his people not vetting her well enough.
Hitler was a monster (link) who was controlled by the same global elite that controls essentially all major world leaders. (link) Praising Hitler is as ridiculous as praising Joseph Stalin (link and link), Mao Zedong (link and link), or Pol Pot (link and link) who were also covertly controlled by the same global elite, as the links explain.
Activists who praise Hitler or Nazism are almost always controlled opposition whose intent is to create an impression that people who criticize the harmful and little understood agendas of the global elite are ridiculous bigoted extremists.
In addition to Bollinger endorsing pro-Hitler tweets, she also apparently communicates about Judaism in an extremely divisive way that is antisemitic, where she referred to the New World Order as “the Jew World Order” for example. It seems as if she is doing that with counterproductive intent, and her comments about Judaism are not accurate anyway. See this article that explains who the global elite actually are.
The Media Matters article also mentions that Bollinger is a QAnon supporter, which by itself should raise red flags. QAnon has always been a corrupt controlled opposition organization that has anonymous leaders, where it was created by the political Establishment to distract Trump supporters from more legitimate sources of information. During Trump’s previous administration it told its followers to “trust the plan” and do nothing about the issues that it identified since supposedly “mass arrests were going to happen at the end of the Trump presidency,” which of course never happened.
Many of the issues that QAnon identified are in fact legitimate, but they were intentionally mixed in with non-legitimate issues in order to discredit all of the topics that were spoken about.
Legitimate activists such as Alex Jones have always called out the corrupt nature of QAnon and never endorsed it, but nonetheless many Trump supporters followed it anyway, presumably due to many of them being controlled opposition or just naive.
QAnon aside, “conspiracy theories about vaccines, cancer prevention, 9/11, and the 2020 presidential election” are all completely legitimate topics.
With the cancer prevention topic, I notice that the Media Matters article mentions that Bollinger claims that it is a certainty that alternative cures for cancer are effective, where for example she said in a podcast, “Cancer is just an imbalance. Your body is out of balance. Something happened and the tumor is actually a blessing.”
I am interested in the concept of alternative theories for cancer and personally I believe in the effectiveness of the use of nitrilosides in treating it, however I have always acknowledged that it needs to be proven in a controlled scientific manner before its effectiveness can be stated with certainty, as this article explains.