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Many Jewish people support open borders for Western countries but not for Israel, despite Western countries also being at risk

 by Edward Ulrich, September 21, 2024

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas being questioned at a 2023 Senate Judiciary Committee hearing about his open borders immigration policies.

In recent years many Jewish people have been outspoken in support of open borders in Western countries such as in the U.S. and Europe, including supporting importing Islam into those regions, but at the same time those same people have been almost entirely opposed to the concept of open borders being implemented in Israel, despite the fact that the Western countries are ultimately being harmed by their open borders in the same manner that Israeli would be.

For example, polls are claiming that 72% of American Jews currently identify as Democrats which must mean that they also support the open borders agendas of the party. (link, link, and link)  (But note however that polls can’t be trusted.)  Also Jewish organizations such as the Hebrew Immigration Aid Society are at the forefront of importing illegal immigrants including Islamists into Western countries (link) who are often hostile towards Jews and others, as this article explains.

In this video Mark Dice explains that the Democrats in the Biden Administration have been mandating that razor wire border barriers are cut and removed to enable the passage of illegal migrants, and he also mentions the role of the Hebrew Immigration Aid Society in bringing the migrants in.

Also many Republican politicians are Zionists who support extreme immigration agendas.  For example the South Carolina Republican senator Lindsay Graham who has been called a “tremendous friend and tremendous ally” by Israel’s prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been at the forefront of importing Jihadist Islam into the U.S. (link, link and link) while at the same time he has been advocating for the use of nuclear weapons against PalestineThis news report explains that Graham was jeered while speaking at a Trump rally on July 2, 2024, where he appeared a few months after he made the remark about using nuclear weapons against Palestine.

(Note that the open borders are ultimately an agenda of the global elite, as this video and this video explain.  It is not specifically a “Jewish” agenda, where many non-Jewish organizations are involved as well.  Also many Jews are opposed to open borders in the West such as most who are Republican voters.)
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