Jimmy Carter’s deceptively harmful administration was a good example of what you get when you vote for a Democrat
by Edward Ulrich, December 31, 2024
Jimmy Carter has died at age 100, and the media is lionizing him as being a particularly “moral” and “righteous” president as this article does, however the reality is very different.
Carter was one the most harmful of presidents, where the global elite exploited his seemingly “friendly and innocent nature” by using him as a puppet to cause damage across the world by betraying allies of the United States, such as by covertly overthrowing Nicaragua with Communism, and covertly overthrowing Iran to install the brutal Ayatollah Khomeini.
Also in 1980 Jimmy Carter along with Joe Biden spearheaded a program that continues to this day secretively importing Islam into the United States, where millions of Muslims have been brought into the country. (link)
James Perloff summarized Carter’s administration well in his book “The Shadows of Power”:
The other recent Democrat presidents Bill Clinton (also see this video), Barack Obama, and Joe Biden were deceptively harmful as well.
Republicans are usually bad also, but at least they aren’t portrayed in the media as being “the compassionate good guys,” thus resulting in people being more critical of them. Also Republicans tend to advocate more “not to change things,” therefore they can’t get away with implementing as many new harmful and little understood agendas.
Text from pages 1-2 of the book “Hostage to Khomeini” which explains how Iran was covertly overrun by the political Establishment in order to install the brutal Ayatollah Khomeini
Chapter 20 of Anastasia Somoza’s Book “Nicaragua Betrayed” summarizing key points of how the Jimmy Carter Administration delivered Nicaragua to a Marxist government which is closely associated with Fidel Castro’s Cuba
A summary of Chapter 10 from the book “The Shadows of Power: The Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline” speaking about issues with Jimmy Carter’s administration
(View the full book summary at this link.)
This Chapter talks about the formation of a new globalist organization called the “Trilateral Commission,” and the installation of the Carter Presidency in order to implement it as well as many other CFR objectives including vastly empowering Communist regimes around the world including Russia, China, Southeast Asia, and in Central America as well as in Africa.
Following are key points from the chapter:
— The “Trilateral Commission” (TC) was formally established in 1973, and it consisted of leaders of business, media, and politics in the U.S., Europe, and Japan, with its stated aim being to create a council representing those countries. Rockefeller described it as “a group of concerned citizens interested in fostering greater understanding and cooperation among international allies,” but it was actually a method for overhauling the IMF in order to offer yet another source of credit to nations which were already extremely indebted to Rockefeller’s banks as part of a larger agenda of forcing multinational consolidation.
— Zbigniew Brzezinski helped Rockefeller develop the concept of the TC, and he wrote a book Between Two Ages which showed him to be a globalist who favors Communism, stating that “National sovereignty is no longer a viable concept,” as well as praising Marxism as “a victory of the external, active man over the inner, passive man and a victory of reason over belief.” [Note: Brzezinski was most recently a key foreign policy advisor for the Obama Administration.]
— In 1973 Brzezinski wrote in Foreign Affairs that the goals of the TC should be the central priority of U.S. policy, and soon Jimmy Carter, who was a Trilateralist, was made President. Jimmy Carter was portrayed in the press (usually by CFR affiliated outlets that knew otherwise) as completely innocent to the corrupt establishment, often claiming that his nomination was without the benefit of any “kingmaker,” power group, or power lobby. Polls showed that Carter initially had less than four percent of Democrats favoring him, so the Establishment put its full weight behind him, with him appearing on the cover of Time magazine three times, and Newsweek’s cover twice, with the artists for one of the covers instructed to make Carter resemble JFK as much as possible. Despite a few sources calling Carter out on this deception such as Penthouse magazine and Ronald Reagan, the image of Carter being innocent and uncorrupted stuck with him during his campaign.
— Carter created record deficits and double digit inflation, and was extremely unpopular for his catastrophic foreign policy which was actually just the standard CFR agendas but without having a false pretense of anti-Communism. Carter betrayed the democratically elected Latin American leader President Anastasio Somoza, who was a West Point Graduate and a devoted friend of the U.S. in order to have a brutal Marxist regime overtake Somoza’s country of Nicaragua (as detailed in an autobiography written by Somoza shortly before he was assassinated entitled Nicaragua Betrayed.) [Note— See the article The Astonishing Story of Nicaragua’s Anastasio Somoza.] Also Carter gave away control of the strategically important Panama Canal Zone, which he promised that he would not do while campaigning.
— On January 23, 1979, Valeurs Actuelles, the French political and economic weekly, reported the following comments by Mexico’s President Lopez Portillo: “When President Carter visited me I told him: ‘I do not particularly like Somoza or his regime, as you know. But if the Sandinistas unseat him and replace him with a Castro-picked government it will have a profound effect on Nicaragua’s neighbors and certainly touch off a slide to the left in my country.’ It was as though he did not hear a word of what I had said. He told me: ‘Oh Mr. President, you must do something to help me get rid of this Somoza.’”
— The Shah of Iran was attempting to quell uprisings by Islamic Fundamentalists and Marxists in his country, and Carter forced him to ease up on those groups and make concessions through the U.S. withholding support. Also a Carter emissary persuaded the Iranian generals not to intervene to save the Shah’s government from being overthrown by the Ayatollah Khomeini in a coup, and Khomeini later killed many of those generals. [Note: February 10, 2020— Also see the article The book “Hostage to Khomeini” explains how Iran’s oppressive government has become covertly controlled by the global political elite.]
— Also when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan, Carter’s response was passive.
— The CFR had an agenda of opening up trade with Communist China, which was anxious for an infusion of U.S. credit and technology despite members of China’s government such as Vice-Premier Teng Hsiao-ping giving a speech to the Party’s Central Committee in 1977 suggesting a strategy of temporarily exploiting the U.S. for its technology and then telling them to leave, using rhetoric of the West being “enemies.”
— Despite the Senate voting 94 to 0 that Carter should consult with them before changing any agreement with Taiwan (free China), Carter waited until the Christmas break in 1978 to announce that be broke relations with Taiwan and recognized the Chinese Communists, even though the Chineese had killed more people than any other government in history— which also flew in the face of Carter’s supposed stand on “human rights” which he claimed was a cornerstone of his foreign policy.
— Carter was also quiet about Cambodian Genocide, and he wanted to remove Western troops from South Korea which could have resulted in renewed Communist invasion.
— Communism also spread to many African countries during Carter’s Presidency, including Zimbabwe.
— The chapter closes with the statement: “Like the Grim Reaper wielding a scythe, Jimmy Carter left behind a bloody trail of betrayed allies. Communism had been strengthened in every corner of the globe. One is hard pressed to find major Carter foreign policy decisions that served the interests of the American people or the Free World. It would appear, however, that he very satisfactorily executed the Trilateral-CFR game plan.”

Jimmy Carter tapped follow Trilateralists Zbigniew Brzezinski (center) and Cyrus Vance (right) for National Security Advisor and Secretary of State, despite assurances from Hamilton Jordan that it would never happen.

A 1977 meeting of the Trilateral Commission. Barry Goldwater called the organization a “vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the United States.”
Text from pages 1-2 of the book “Hostage to Khomeini” which explains how Iran was covertly overrun by the political Establishment in order to install the brutal Ayatollah Khomeini
(View the full book summary at this link.)
From Chapter 1, pages 1 - 2:
In Tehran, uncontrolled mobs surge through the streets brandishing their newly acquired automatic weapons, sacking public buildings and tearing down the regime of the deposed Shah. The bloody reign of terror has already begun. Quickly and silently, top military and intelligence officers who have refused to cooperate with the new government are executed by unofficial assassination squads. In the cities, as in the towns and villages, many hundreds more are murdered by frenzied crowds. It is February 12, 1979, just hours after the Ayatollah Khomenini has proclaimed the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
In Washington, President Carter convenes a hurried news conference to tell the world, “I believe the people of Iran and the government will continue to be our friends.”
Many people are shocked by Carter’s willingness to befriend the bloody new regime. ... In reality, the President’s official welcome to the Khomeini dictatorship signaled a far deeper truth. Carter had great reason to believe that the regime of the mullahs in Iran would indeed be “our friend”: He and his administration had put Khomeini in power.
Not simply by inaction. The Carter administration— with sober deliberation and with malice aforethought— had given aid to the movement that originated the overthrow of the Shah of Iran. The Carter administration was involved every step of the way— from the propaganda preparations to the supply of arms and ammunition, from the behind-the-scenes deals with traitors in the Shah’s military to the final ultimatum to the beaten leader in January 1979 to leave Iran. Perhaps no other chapter in American history is so replete with treachery to the ideals upon which the nation was founded.
Other aspects of Chapter 1 include an overview of the strategy of the global elite seeing Iran as a “test-tube experiment” to see if a country can be made to enslave itself, and an overview of the covert involvement of Western organizations and individuals such as the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Royal Institute of International Affairs, Zbigniew Brezinski of the National Security Council, former Secretary of State Cyrus Vance, and the NSC’s Iran Task Force special coordinator George Ball. Also mentioned is that the groundwork for the Iranian Revolution was laid out some years earlier at the Colorado-based “Aspen Institute,” with the actual covert activity then being directed by the British Intelligence Service.
Chapter 20 of Anastasia Somoza’s Book “Nicaragua Betrayed” summarizing key points of how the Jimmy Carter Administration delivered Nicaragua to a Marxist government which is closely associated with Fidel Castro’s Cuba
(View the full book summary at this link.)
This chapter summarizes key points of specifically how the Jimmy Carter Administration delivered Nicaragua to a Marxist government which is closely associated with Fidel Castro’s Cuba.
[Note that I have included the entire chapter summary page here.]
Following are key points from the chapter:
From page 397:
The word “betrayed” has been defined as, “having been delivered to an enemy through treachery.” That definition aptly fits the sordid betrayal of Nicaragua. Our nation was truly delivered into the hands of the Marxist enemy by President Jimmy Carter and his administration. In this treachery, his most active accomplices were Venezuela, Panama, Costa Rica, and Cuba.
I was betrayed by a long-standing and trusted ally. That, in itself, is bad enough. But, more importantly, two million anti-Communist citizens of Nicaragua were neatly placed in a U.S.-designed package and handed to the Communists. To my way of thinking, and there are millions who share this view, that act of treachery was an unforgivable sin.
In the betrayal of Nicaragua, the President of the United States gave credence to the view that eighteen million people living in Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, and Costa Rica might also expect betrayal. As noted previously, we have Ambassador William Bowdler’s word for that. Actually, then, it isn’t merely a “view,” because the threat by Mr. Bowdler has already been made.
For me and freedom-loving people everywhere, it’s impossible to understand the reason why Nicaragua was betrayed. As to the “how,” that’s a different story. The record clearly speaks for itself. For all his days, Mr. Carter will have to live with that record on his conscience.
I do not now, nor have I ever engaged in idle accusations. Let’s review how Nicaragua was betrayed by the Carter Administration.
— After one week in office, Mr. Carter cut off all military assistance to Nicaragua.
— The Carter appointed U.S. Ambassador to Nicaragua was advised that he shouldn’t get too close to Somoza, and he promptly began an intimate association with opposition forces, including Sandinistas.
— Clear evidence of betrayal came from Robert Pastor, Mr. Carter’s personal representative from the White House, when he asked President Daniel Oduber of Costa Rica, “When are we going to get that son of a bitch to the north out of the presidency?”
— The White House and State Department constantly ignored positive proof that the Sandinista movement was backed by Cuba with men, arms, and equipment.
— Under the guise of the Human Rights Commission, public support was given to the Sandinista Movement, while deprecating the democratic government of Nicaragua.
— Through his dominant influence in the Organization of American States, Mr. Carter put unbelievable pressure on member nations to condemn the government of Nicaragua.
— By Executive Decree, Mr. Carter prohibited the sales of military hardware to Nicaragua.
— Mr. Carter’s representative on the International Monetary Fund twice blocked badly needed standby credit for Nicaragua. These acts represented economic betrayal of an ally.
— When financing for Nicaragua’s hydroelectric dam project was obtained through other nations, President Carter pressured those nations to cancel these financing arrangements.
— After the “Famous Twelve” had been enjoined, the U.S. Ambassador pressured the Nicaraguan government to permit their return. These were known subversives and, under the umbrella of the U.S. State Department, they conducted treasonous activities in Nicaragua.
— When dollars were badly needed, Mr. Carter successfully pressured all shipping companies to boycott Nicaragua so that the coffee crop could not be exported.
— Under orders from the White House, the U.S. Department of Agriculture arbitrarily gave instructions to beef inspectors to shut down Nicaraguan beef exports to the United States.
— The U.S. embassy in Nicaragua called and advised businessmen of the opposition political party to transfer their dollars from Nicaragua to the United States. This was done so as to liquidate the dollar supply in Nicaragua and, thus, dollars would not be available to purchase arms and ammunition.
— Due to U.S. pressure, an Israeli ship destined for Nicaragua, and loaded with lifesaving arms and ammunition, was forced to return to Israel.
— Mr. Carter, the U.S. State Department, and the OAS were repeatedly advised of international law violations by Panama and Costa Rica. No action was taken.
— Mr. Carter, the U.S. State Department, and the OAS were repeatedly advised as to Communist staging areas in Costa Rica. This area was never investigated.
— Mr. Carter successfully closed all markets where Nicaragua could purchase arms and ammunition.
— The United States was successful in negating all treaties and mutual defense pacts which would have saved Nicaragua from a Marxist takeover.
— The United States, through President Carter’s representative, broke her promise to preserve the Guardia Nacional of Nicaragua.
— As a result of Mr. Carter’s policy toward Nicaragua, eight thousand loyal members of the Guardia Nacional are now in prison and waiting to be tried. They committed no crime, and the vast majority of these men and women will be sentenced to thirty years at hard labor.
— Mr. Carter’s representative gave assurances that members of the Liberal Party would be treated fairly. Many members of the party are in prison on political charges, and all of the affluent members had their property confiscated.
— Using human rights as a pretext, Mr. Carter successfully destroyed Nicaragua and is guilty of aiding and abetting the Marxists. Since “his group,” the Sandinistas, won, over three thousand men, women, and children of Nicaragua have been slaughtered. Until this date, President Carter had made no protest about the violation of their right to live, not to mention their human rights.
— Mr. Carter could have had a Nicaragua without the Somozas, which he wanted, and without Communism, but he chose to let the Marxists take the nation.
— Mr. Carter has now provided the Soviet Union with Atlantic and Pacific seaports in the Western Hemisphere. Nicaragua has both.
— Nicaragua was invaded by international aggressor forces, with Communist brigades from many countries. Mr. Carter, the State Department, and the OAS had this information and did nothing.
— The Nicaraguan Army was still intact at the end, some sixteen thousand strong. It was never defeated by the Communist invaders. Mr. Carter saw to it that these gallant anti-Communist troops simply had no ammunition with which to fight.
— Mr. Warren Christopher, on direct orders from President Carter, advised me that I would not be welcome in the United States. This was also less than six hours after I had arrived in Miami, Florida on July 17, 1979. It was also less than twenty-four hours after I had, in accordance with an agreement reached with Ambassador Lawrence Pezzullo in Managua, resigned as President and Chief of the Army of Nicaragua. Ambassador Pezzullo had told me that I would be welcomed in the United States as a Chief of State, and that he was speaking for President Carter.
From pages 401 - 402:
The betrayal of Nicaragua was not perpetuated out of ignorance, but rather by design. This I know for a fact. One could go down a long list of U.S. allies and ask why Carter turned against these anti-Communist nations. Pinochet of Chile could give you an answer— by design. And how about Korea, Taiwan (The Republic of China), Pakistan, Thailand, Saudi Arabia, Rhodesia, South Africa, and Argentina? No, a plea of ignorance will not suffice. Carter might have been able to plead ignorance once, but not over and over again.
While I’m privileged to tread upon this planet called Earth, I shall do all within my power to see that other free nations do not suffer the agonizing death which struck Nicaragua. In my own way, I am sounding the alarm. To be effective, this alarm must be heard in the United States of America. It is my wish, it is my impassioned hope that freedom-loving people of the United States will hear the alarm and that they will respond without delay. There is no time for dalliance.
Like so many Americans, I have stood on the parade field and saluted Old Glory as she passed. I, too, have thrilled to the sight of the Stars and Stripes as the flag was raised at sunrise, and I have felt the melancholy that can touch a man’s heart at the sound of “Taps..” You see, I know the true meaning of the United States, and I thank God for that privilege. The United States has been, and is, the hope and inspiration of free men everywhere. May that torch of liberty, symbolized by the Statue of Liberty, burn ever so brightly— now and always. For I know for certain, that should that torch be extinguished, the dreams of free men everywhere die at the same moment. Like the people of Nicaragua, for those freedom-loving people there would be no tomorrow; “for their tomorrow was yesterday.”
My country, my people, and I were betrayed. That betrayal does not rest with the American people, but with the President of the United States. My love for the United States and her people is as great as it ever was. My prayer is that those who now lead the United States will not betray humanity. If that happens, God help us all, and for then it would be the entire free world, and not just Nicaragua BETRAYED.
The End
Editor’s Note—
Anastasio Somoza was able to discriminate between what is good about the configuration of the constitutional republic of the United States and what is bad about the corrupt elements covertly controlling its politics. While Somoza blames the Jimmy Carter Administration for what has happened, it is important to realize that Carter was only a puppet of the Illuminati global elite, just as all United States Presidents are.
The global Illuminati banking elite have a centuries old agenda of destroying the sovereignty of nations in order to form a totalitarian world government that is privately under their control, with their past implementations of Communism being a dress rehearsal for what is to come. Leftist and mainstream media sources that are controlled by these people are falsely attempting to claim that “nationhood” and “capitalism” are the cause of the world’s problems in their effort to deceptively create support for empowering such a world government.