Israel’s device attacks are reported to have harmed or killed over 3,000 people
by Edward Ulrich, September 21, 2024

People in Lebanon responding to a pager exploding in a militant’s pocket.
On September 17, 2024, at least eight people were killed and 2,750 others were wounded when pagers that Hezbollah militants were using in Lebanon and Syria detonated at the same time in an apparent coordinated attack by Israel, according to news reports.
Then on the next day hand held walkie-talkies that the militants were using were reported to be detonated in a second wave of attacks, which are said to have killed at least 20 people and injured 450 others.
Israel is apparently attempting to incite Lebanon into more hostility with the attacks, which is ultimately dangerous to the Israeli people and everyone else. Many people are rationalizing that the attacks are self-defense since Hezbollah is in fact a terrorist organization and it had been attacking Israel by launching rockets at it (link, and link), however it should be conceded that Israel’s attacks are also terrorism because innocent people are also being harmed by it.
To me it seems uncharacteristic of Israel to engage in such attacks rather than waiting to detonate the devices only when the actual Hezbollah militants would start to attack. I do think that the Israeli government engages in underhanded tactics, but usually they do so in a manner that is not as readily apparent on the surface.
It is now being reported that Israel has unleashed airstrikes in Lebanon, and Hamas (rather than Hezbollah) has been threatening suicide attacks against Israel, as this Breitbart article explains.
[Note: I wonder if the amount of casualties from the attack are actually as large as the numbers that are being reported. I initially saw some footage of people in hospitals that looked genuine, however the clips have since been taken offline such as the one at this link for example. In any event I haven’t seen any footage that convinces me that thousands of people have been harmed.
Presumably the devices had gunpowder in them or some other sort of explosives, so it seems unlikely to me that so many people could have been using them without it being detected. For example none of the devices had prematurely exploded and the explosives had not been detected by other means, even though the militants had been using the pagers since February! (link) However one reason it may have avoided detection is because Muslims don’t make use of bomb sniffing dogs due to their religion telling them that dogs are “unclean.” (link)
This BBC article quotes a surgeon at a hospital who says that he has been continuously working for almost 24 hours on the wounded, however the article shows no photos or video evidence of his claims despite the fact that essentially everyone everywhere has a video camera in their pocket. Of course he could be telling the truth, but note that medical professionals often lie to the media when the political Establishment instructs them to do so, such as after the Boston Marathon bombing hoax and during the COVID lockdown for example.
The most comprehensive collection of footage of the attacks that I have found are in this and this Information Liberation articles.
In any event most people do not realize that Hezbollah is ultimately controlled by the political Establishment since its funding and direction come from Iran (link), which is covertly controlled by the global elite (link).]